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"Get changed and we'll head to the hospital." Dad says, sitting down to catch his breathe. I think we are both still in shock.

I throw on some shorts and a top. I don't bother with make-up and I barely run the brush through my hair. My phone stays sitting on the side, all the things I care about are suddenly not important right now. All that matters is my mum at this moment.

Five minutes later we leave the house. "Where are they taking her?"I ask, staring out the window.

"North Devon District Hospital," Dad answers. "The nearest one is too small." I nod, holding in my tears. If Louis's dad has anything to do with this then that's it, if Louis and Shannon still takes their dads side we are officially done. If he's capable of trying to rape my mum and then battering her over the head in her own kitchen, then he's a monster and I don't want anything to with his family. I was silly for not listening to dad, family is the most important thing in the world. It's sad that it takes something like this to happen for me to realise that.

We're silent for the rest of the drive to the hospital but I know dad is just as upset and worried as I am. He's probably fuming and I'm surprised he hasn't gone charging around the Tomlinson's using his fists yet, but it will happen and I'm dreading it.

It Just Got Complicated - Louis Tomlinson - Completed Where stories live. Discover now