Chapter Twenty Four

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I woke up the next morning alone in the kingsize bed, the sun was creeping through the curtains and I smiled remembering last night, I pulled the quilt off of me and walked out of the room hearing the shower running in the bathroom which is where Vic must have been. I walked down the stairs and went into the kitchen to grab some breakfast, there was cereal out on the side so I grabbed a bowl of that and looked around the room noticing some french doors which I headed out of finding the garden. There was a veranda with a table and chairs which I went and sat on leaving the doors open so that Vic would be able to find me. He soon appeared, his hair was still wet and I smiled at his appearence "What are you doing sat out here?"

"It's a nice morning" I stated smiling up at him, he pulled out his phone and pointed the camera at me "Vic no I look a mess" I put the cereal bowl in front of my face to shield it "Beautiful! That's going on instagram" I shook my head at him 

"So what are we doing today?" Vic sat down at the table with me 

"Well the band are coming over to do some recording, did you see the little recording studio at the back" I nodded remembering seeing it last night

"Yeah it's a good idea" he came round and kissed my cheek 

"I'm going to set up then" I nodded and watched as he walked back through the doors. I finished off my breakfast and went back inside to shower and get ready. I put on my Black and White before going back down.. I could hear Vic playing his guitar from the stairs so I walked down past the living room and to the recording studio. I leant my ear against the door so I could hear. I'd never heard any of Pierce The Veil's music or his actual singing voice yet and I was amazed, his voice was so beautiful and I ended up sitting on the floor outside of the door and listening. It went quiet and then he opened the door making me fall flat on my back. He laughed at me and helped me up "What are you doing?" 

"I was listening to you sing that was beautiful Vic!" he wrapped his arms around my waist 

"Thank you" I pecked his lips, but the sound of the doorbell broke us apart. "How are you going to entertain yourself for the next few hours?" I shrugged

"Maybe unpack our suitcases" I stated following Vic over to the front door which he opened revealing Jaime, Tony and Mike "Hey lovebirds" Mike said as he walked into the house giving me a tight hug "Do you like the place? Vic was so worried it would be too big or you wouldn't like it?"

"Mike, I freaking love it here! I'm never leaving this house again" I chuckled before going over and giving Jaime and Tony a hug too. I watched as they all walked down to the studio and I grabbed my case and Vic's duffel bag before taking them upstairs to unpack.

I finished hanging all of my clothes up and glanced at the clock seeing that it was almost 1pm. I shoved the suitcases under the bed and went downstairs where I heard talking coming from the kitchen "Oh hey we just finished and are having some lunch, you want anything?" I smiled at Vic and nodded as I walked over to the table and sat with them "There was some spare chicken from last night so we made some sandwiches help yourself" I thanked him and Mike, Tony and Jaime said goodbye and exited through the kitchen door. "I'm just going to go tidy up babe" Vic came round the the chair I was sat at and kissed my cheek before disapearing.

Vic's POV 

I walked back into the studio and started to tidy up the note sheets which were spread out all over the floor when I saw my phone light up on the counter, I went over seeing it was just the many instagram notifications I had recieved. I unlocked the phone and went into my notifications seeing lots of comments on the picture I had posted of Deven this morning. I scrowled through quickly just to see what people were saying I noticed one asking if she had an instagram, I wasn't even sure myself but apparently some of my fans had already found it. Someone had replied saying "Her name's Deven, she's such a whore! @Deven-Taylor" I clicked the name and looked through her pictures. It looked like she hadn't really posted anything in at least a year. I saw that her last few pictures were of her and Max Green looking pretty cosy. I knew she had had a past with band guys I just didn't know who and I didn't really care, it was her past and she was entitled to keep it that way. I sat in the chair next to me and scrowled through a bit further finding a strange picture of her foot. I clicked on it and read the comment "This is what @Ronnieinreverse did to me because he apparently loves me" I raised an eyebrow wondering why she had an ankle monitor on. I clicked off it and carried on scrowlling not finding much else...

I shut the phone off when I heard the door open and Deven enter "Hey" she stated as she came over "Is everything okay? You look a bit confused" I smiled at her

"Yeah, yeah everything's fine, how about we go over to the band house and hang out with them?" she arched her eyebrow at me "You saw your band only five minutes ago, do you really miss being in the same house as them that much?" she asked. I nodded 

"I guess you could say that" It wasn't that, I just wanted to be surrounded by other people other than Deven, so that it would take my mind off of asking her about her past... She shook her head "Well there's nothing left to unpack so we may aswell head out for a few hours" I smiled at her as she left the room. I stayed for a few minutes more trying to think about how I could get to know her a bit better than I already did. Neither of us knew an awful lot about each other, the only worry I had was, did I really want to know? I shook my head to try and rid my thoughts and grabbed my vans from the floor slipping them on and heading out to Deven who was waiting for me by the front door.

We got to the bands apartment shortly, Deven knew there was something I needed to get off of my chest but I flipped her off saying that I was just tired, we got out of the car and headed upstairs. Mike answered the door and looked a little confused as to why we had both come here "Hey we were bored and wanted a change of scenery" I looked back at Deven and she knotted her eyebrows together before shaking her head at Mike as she walked by him. She sat as far away as possible from me and I knew she knew there was something up and I think it was worrying her slightly as she constantly had her eyes on me trying to get my attention. "I guess it's time we headed off" I heard Deven sigh and Mike looked at her oddly.

We got home and I grabbed onto Deven's hand so she couldn't storm off upstairs "Deven can we just talk I know I've been acting like a dick today" she shook her head at me and pushed me off of her "Oh I'm glad you realised" she folded her arms and headed into the kitchen "Vic I just want to go to sleep okay" I looked at her pitifully. If only I didn't let things like this get to me! I sighed as she opened the fridge to get a bottle of water "Night Vic" I let her go, there was no point talking about things now that she was in a mood

Deven's POV

I woke up in mine and Vic's bed alone I rolled over and got up getting dressed quickly before heading downstairs to find a note in the kitchen

'Morning Deven, I've gone out for the day with Tony will be back this evening, My Mum is expecting you at her restaurant at 2pm so be there. Have a good day Love from Vic xxx'

I was kind of upset that he had left this early and didn't bother telling me before I went to bed last night. I wanted to apologise for not hearing him out last night and maybe talk about what was bugging him so much this morning but I guess it would have to wait... I made some breakfast and then went and sat on the sofa in the living room to watch some TV.

My life has moved along quite nicely actually (SEQUEL MLFYWB)Where stories live. Discover now