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(Photo- Chris)

PJ P. O. V

I followed Justin into the kitchen as I showed him pictures of girls he might be interested in. "What about her?" I asked. He turned his head and turned back. "No." I scrolled over. "Her?" I asked. "No." He replied without looking. "Your not even looking." I said as he put on his sue chief jacket. "Because I don't need a girlfriend." He said in a serious tone. I rolled my eyes and walked into the living room.

My mom and I sat in the principles office the day after I fought Dashawn. "The only reason why I did it is because he threatened Tamora." I explained. "Threatened her how?" Principle Pots asked. "In the classroom he said he will take a chainsaw and ram it through her neck. Then when I confronted him about it he acted like he didn't know what I was talking about." A small smile appeared on her face. "Here's the thing Wyatt," she began to say. "I'm Chris." I told her. "Does it matter?" She replied as she pulled out a small silver tablet out of her desk. She then turned it towards my mom and I. "Security footage begs to differ."

Video footage.

Dashawn was on one side of the classroom placing books in his book bag as Chris was doing the same on the other side. A few moments passed before Chris turned towards him. "What did you just say?" Chris asked coldly. "What?" Dashawn asked confused. Chris took a few steps forward. "What did you say you were going to do to my cousin?" Dashawn stared at him before turning back around. "I honestly have no idea what your talking about." Chris balled up his fist as he walked over to Dashawn and spined him around before punching him. He held him by his neck as he looked towards the door. With one blink it opened.


My mom's eyes widened as principal pots placed the tablet back in her desk. "Now I don't know how you did that trick at the end but I don't care." She turned to my mom. "Look Mrs. Halliwell, can I call you Pepper?" She asked. "Piper." Mom corrected. "Right, your son Chris is a dumbass." My mother's eyes wondered around the room as if she agreed with her. "And Wyatt is a really sweet and gullible kid. Sooner or later he's going to meet a nice young women who will punk him out of all his money and he will eventually be working at a gas station . I could of sworn the last time your husband was in my office he was shedding fur all over my carpet. Don't get me started on your restaurant, your so called 'sue chef's' don't know how to make a classic Tuna Melt, and your club is a DISASTER." She turned her head towards me. "I mean, really? No booz?" I Shrugged my shoulders as she turned her head back towards my mom. "But I'll tell you why I won't suspended your son from Pathways high." She began to say. "This school has a lot of unattractive boys and I won't accept that! So no matter how stupid your son is, he is very good looking and I refuse to let those bastards down at Renaissance have better looking people than my school. So instead of a suspension, your not in next week's basketball game." My eyes widened. "That's not fair!" I hissed. "That's acceptable principle Pots." My mother said ignoring what I said.

"Of course it is Pepper." She stood up from her desk. "Now if you would excuse me I have a bottle of scotch with my name on it." "But it's 10 am and your at work." My mom said. "What are you a cop?" She walked towards the door. "Show yourselves out." She said before leaving. "Bitch." My mother mumbled. "Chris are you CRAZY?" She asked. Before I can speak she spoke again. "You know your lucky that you have a principle who doesn't give a crap about this school because if she did then you would of had some explaining to do." Just when I was about to speak she interrupted me once again. "How could you use you powers on a innocent mortal?" She asked. "I don't know, I could of sworn he said something." I replied. Mom stood up from her seat. "Okay I don't have time for this, I would ground you but not playing in the basketball game is punishment enough. Now get to class." She told me before walking out. I let out a deep sigh as I angrily picked up my bag and walked out the door. Once out I pulled out my phone when someone bumped into me. "Hey watch it." I hissed. Once I looked up my eyes widened. She was gorgeous. She had chocolate brunette colored hair and flawless skin. What really grabbed my attention was her icy blue eyes. "Sorry." She said softly. "No, no I'm sorry. I'm Chris." A half smile appeared on her face. "I'm Avalon."

I walked through the crowded hallway as people bumped into me left and right. I still haven't found my right crowd yet. PJ is popular because she is school president and Patience because she is a cheerleader. I have no problem being alone in school. I actually enjoy it. My family insist that I make new friends. I walked into my chemistry class and sat down in the only available seat next to a blonde hair girl. "Okay class today we are going to mix liquid nitrogen with ping pong balls. Then you will write a scientific explanation on your findings. Work with your partner and begin." I picked up my science goggles as my partner did the same. "Man I hate science." She said to herself. "Tell me about it." I replied. We both giggled. "I'm Dominique." She said as she placed out her hand. "Parker." I shook her hand with a smile. "First year?" She asked. I had a confused look on my face as she placed a hand on her forehead. "Of course it's your first year, we're freshmen." I chuckled as she joined in. I think I actually found my first friend.

A young witch sat peacefully in her home as she watched television. She heard breaking of glass. She quickly jumped out her bed and made her way into the living room to find her mother with a knife jabbed into the back of her head. "OH MY GOD!" The girl turned around to find a mysterious stranger wearing a black and blue mask behind her. She backed up as she blew into her hand letting out a blue puff of ice. It didn't effect the stranger. The stranger backed her up into a corner as she begged for her life. The killer pulled out a knife and stabbed the girl in her stomach.

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