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Synopsis: The elders take the Halliwell's powers causing HJ to get upset. Alex has another trick up his sleeve. Melinda finds out that Avalon has feelings for Wyatt. Piper finally discovers what the serum did to her.


"What? No you can't take our powers!" I angrily said. "I'm sorry but I have too." The elder replied. "What about the masked stranger who constantly targets us? Or the Evo scientists who recently captured my mother? What do you expect us to do if we're powerless?" I asked. "The other elders and I will find a way to make sure that the masked stranger, the Evo scientists, and demons won't attack you guys. PJ Halliwell. Since we didn't give you your Latin powers you are allowed to keep them. Same goes for Patience with your wand. Meeting adjourned."
HJ P. O. V
My sisters, cousins (expect Patience), and I were in the attic waiting for an elder to take our powers. "I just got my powers and now they're getting taken away. Thanks a lot Melinda!" PJ hissed. "It wasn't only me! Besides you still get to keep your Latin powers so I don't know why your bitching!" Melinda rudely said.

PJ got up from the couch. "Bitching? Oh you haven't seen bitching." PJ had a devilish smile. "Okay everyone calm down. We're all just on edge." Chris said in an attempt to calm them both down. "Shut up." They both said in unison. Patience whirled in. "Guys I have important news." She said. "If it's anything magical then save it." I said. "But it's really-" She began to say. "Are you dumb? I said save it. That's not our job any more. Have fun with your stupid wand! " He hissed. A single tear rolled down Patience's face.

She circled her wand and whirled out. Alex angrily walked over to me. "What the hell is the matter with you?" He pushed an energy wave at me sending me flying into the wall. "Alex stop!" Kat angrily said. I quickly got up and placed out my hands sending electricity at him. He ducked and it hit Chris in the shoulder. Chris angrily narrowed his eyes and waved his arm sending me flying back into the wall. I stood up. "Oh you wanna go Chris?" I asked. "Bring it on." He replied.

"HEY!" Aunt Prue yelled. We all stopped fighting. At the door stood mom and my aunts. "We're very disappointed in you guys. Just because we're about to loose our magic doesn't mean we have to turn against each other." Mom said. "Patience!" Aunt Phoebe said. Patience whirled in. "Are you okay?" Alex asked. She nodded her head. "Wait what happened sweetie?" Aunt Phoebe asked. "Nothing. I'm fine." Patience said while glaring at me. An elder orbed in. "It's time." She said. She walked over to Wyatt and held out her hands. A yellow circular light came out of him. She did the same to Chris and Melinda.

She walked over to me and held out her hand. A blue circular light came out of me. She walked over to the twins and did the same. She walked over to PJ and held her hands out. A purple circular light came out of her. She did the same to Patience and PJ.



The elder was just about to take my powers when I blinked my eyes. Everyone in the room froze. I hummed to myself as I made my way out the attic door and down the stairs to the magic hallway. I walked into Austin's room. He was also frozen. I held my hand out and a green circular light came out of him. I conjured his powers out of his body and into me. I made my way back into the attic and blinked my eyes. The elder held out her hand and Austin's powers came out of me. Finally, she walked over to the sisters. She held out her hand and white circular lights came out of them. "I'm sorry I have to do this." The elder said before she orbed out.



"Maybe life without powers is a good thing." Avalon said. We were sitting on the porch of the manor. "How is that a good thing?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders. "No more demons attacking, no masked stranger, no Evo scientist. Your able to live a normal life." She said. I nodded my head. "I guess your right." I said. Austin came running down the street shirtless from his jog. "Oh- my- god." I whispered. "Melinda your drooling." Avalon said. I quickly wiped it as he began heading up the stairs. "Hey Avalon." He said. "Hey Mel." He said with a smile. I smiled. "Hi." I replied. He walked into the house with a smile. "Have you decided which one your going to be with?" She asked. I smiled. "I want to be with Austin. I'm sure of it. He just makes me so happy." I couldn't stop smiling. She sighed. "What if someone was to be dating someone but knows something that happens in the future and starts developing feelings for another person but doesn't want to tell her boyfriend because her boyfriend and that other person are really close.." She said causing my eyes to widen. "Oh my god! Diana told you that your her mother and now your starting to have feelings for Wyatt but don't wanna tell Chris?" I asked. She pushed her eyebrows together. "How did you know that?" She asked. "I have a super brain." I said with a smile. "Please don't tell Chris, Wyatt, or Tori." She begged. "Of course i'm not going to tell them. But I think you should." I said. She sighed as she clenched her eyes closed. I got up and walked inside.



I had just left the supermarket and was heading to the bus stop. I would have taken my car but Wyatt has it because his car was in the shop. I got on the bus and placed the two brown bags I was holding down. Once I got off my stop I began heading towards the direction of the manor. I had noticed that my groceries weren't in my hand. I quickly looked up at the bus that had just pulled off. "Crap!" I said to myself. About two blocks up the bus stopped at a red light. I knew it was a long shot but I decided to run after it. Suddenly, Everything around me was in slow motion. I pushed my eyebrows together as I stopped running. I was at the next bus stop where the bus pulled over at. "Woah." I said to myself. I'm fast.

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now