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(Photo- Melinda)

HJ P. O. V

Tracy was practicing on not using her power. She let out a scream and a sound wave hit the dummy. "Try again." I simply replied. "It's hard." She replied. "Your obviously not doing something right." I hissed. She started at me in shock. "Sorry. It's just I got all this stress with the masked strangers." I admitted. She didn't responded and picked up the dummy with a hurt look in her eyes.

I orbed into my room to get a couple of things. I looked at my bed to see a girl sleeping in it. I tilted my head to the side as I orbed into the kitchen. Wyatt was making breakfast. He looked at me as my eyes widened. "Uh oh." I said. He folded his arms. "Melinda give me my powers back. I can't conjure or use Excalibur.. and your powers get boring after a while." I rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry. I need them right now. I'm doing this to help all of us." I annoyingly said. "I thought we were going to find the masked stranger together. As a family. That's what we usually do Melinda. Did you seem to forget that?" I looked down to the floor. "Do you even know how much you missed? How much CRAP we had to deal with without you here?" Mom, dad and Chris stood at the kitchen doorway watching. "Do you even know that Billie's sister is back? Or that she, Justin, and Patience are part Wizard? But you must know of them vanquishing Zaraya's son." My eyes widened. "We fought the masked stranger. I got attacked and YOU WEREN'T THERE. I'm always there for you Melinda. That's what family is all about. Do you even know that Tracy's a Banshe? Or that there's two masked strangers? or that the only reason I'm alive is because my daughter from the future saved my ass. COURTNEY AND ADAM ARE BACK AND WES IS ALIVE AND YOU DON'T KNOW ANY OF IT BECAUSE YOU WEREN'T HERE." Wyatt was now yelling and the pot of bacon exploded. I sat down on the chair as tears rolled down my cheeks. I closed my eyes as a yellow glow formed around Wyatt and I. I gave him back his powers. "I'm sorry." I said. I began to cry more. Wyatt began walking towards me as I stood up. He gave me a tight hug as my family joined in.

I was sitting on PJ's bed waiting for her. She finally came in. "I found out who one of the masked strangers are." I said. She sat down on her bed across from me. "Who?" PJ asked in a unconvinced tone. "Dominique." I said in a dark tone of voice. She titled her head to the side. "Picture that with lighting and dramatic music." I added. "Okay that's insane. Dominique isn't the killer." She crossed her arms."Oh yeah?" I took my wand out of my boot and circled it around. My notebook whirled in. I placed my wand on the bed and picked up the notebook. "I was doing some research on her. There are NO records of her parents anywhere." I said. PJ pushed her eyebrows together. "So?" She asked. "That wasn't enough for me either so I kept digging. The first murder, Parker said that Dominique was across the street. When she asked her what she was doing she said she was on her way home. I asked aunt Paige to give me her school records and the current address she's staying at now is WAY on the other side of town from where the first murder was. Lets not forget homecoming.

She told Parker she was going but when the masked stranger attacked she was nowhere in sight. After hours and hours of Law and Order I finally came up with a theory. There's a whole section in magic school about Tracy's kind." I said. "Cross bloods?" She asked. I nodded my head. "Cross bloods have infinite powers. The only way they can get a new power is by killing other supernaturals." I explained. "Wait, so your saying that the masked strangers could be cross bloods?" She asked. "Ding, Ding, Ding. And I think Dominique is one of them."

"Diana!" I called for. She orbed downstairs. "I was meaning to ask you something. How come your powers aren't affected by the witches amulet?" I asked. She laughed. "I'm way too powerful for those things." She began to orb out. "Wait!" I said as she stopped orbing. "What is it dad?" She asked. "When do me and your mom get together?" I asked. "You know I can't answer that." She responded. "Young lady you will answer me right this instant!" I demanded. She folded her arms. "Really?" "It was worth a shot." I smiled. She rolled her eyes and orbed out. Someone rung the doorbell. I began to fix my hair as I walked over to the door.

I had invited her over to talk about things. Talk about us to be more specific. I had to find another way to get Tori to admit that she likes me since that dog Avalon denied my piece offering. I put on a smile before opening the door. My smile faded when I saw Avalon standing behind Tori. "What is she doing here?" I asked in an annoyed tone. Before Tori can answer Avalon spoke. "I'm here for my boyfriend. So get out my way." She used her werewolf strength to push me onto the ground. She then walked into the manor and went upstairs.

Tori stepped in and helped me up. "Thanks." I replied. We walked into the living room. "So what did you want to talk about?" She asked as we sat on the couch. "Us." I replied. She let out a small sigh. "Wyatt I told you. Unless you and-" She began to say but was cut off by me. "Yeah, yeah I know. Just admit you like me." She rolled her eyes. "You know what? I will get Avalon to become my friend and we will go on a date and you will become my girlfriend." I said with a smile. A slight smile appeared on her face. Before she can speak I stood up from the couch. "On to the next subject. I got my powers back and once I get stronger, my powers won't work on the witches amulet just like our daughter's powers." I explained. "Wyatt." She simply said. "My daughter." I corrected.

"So how do you get stronger?" She asked. "Train I guess." I shrugged my shoulders. "Fine. Let's train." She said as she stood up and grabbed my hand. We walked into the basement.

Three people watched the Halliwell manor from a distance. "That's the Halliwell manor?" One girl asked. "Yup." The man replied. "Let's go get Tracy." A boy said.

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