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"Think sweetie. Is there anything else you saw in your premonition?" Grams asked. I thought about the premonition I had. I instantly remembered the gold that Logan had around his neck and the rainbow that took him away. "Wait I did see something else. He had a piece of gold around his neck and a rainbow took him, Austin, and Avery away." I explained. "That sounds like a Leprechaun." Parker said. "But aren't all Leprechaun's short?" HJ pushed his eyebrows together. "Unless." Grams narrowed her eyes.

She pointed her hands at the wall then at Violet sending her flying. She was about to do the same to Tracy. "Grams no!" HJ grabbed her hand. Violet got up from off the ground with a hand on her head. "There's no such thing as a tall Leprechaun. He has to be one of them." Grams said pointing at Tracy and Violet. "That's not true. The only other Cross blood was-" Tracy pushed her eyebrows together as she looked at Violet. She grabbed her arm and pulled her out the attic door.
I pulled Violet into the bathroom. "Is Logan Lucas?" I asked. She looked down to the floor. "Is Logan Lucas?!" I asked once again in a demanding tone. She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Okay yes he is." She responded. "Oh my god." Is all I can say. "I didn't know he was going to kidnap someone." Violet said with her hands in the air. "It doesn't matter. You knew he was a Cross blood and you didn't tell me. You could of prevented all of this." I hissed.

"What did you want me to do Tracy?!" She shouted. "Besides you, Lucas is more powerful than all of us. If we wanted to kill Nicholas, Oliver, and I he could. That's why we don't get on his bad side." She explained. I sighed. "That's why we're sisters. You could tell me anything. We are going to get through this." I said. She smiled. "Okay." She replied. I gave her a smile as I opened the door. HJ fell onto the ground. He must of been ease dropping. Violet rolled her eyes out of disgust and made her way out of the bathroom. HJ quickly got up and dusted himself off.

"I was just uh-" "Ease dropping?" I asked with my eyebrows lifted. He nervously laughed. "No... Yes." He admitted. "I don't trust Violet. Her cheek bones are too perfect. Makes me think she's hiding something." He playfully said. I giggled as I rolled my eyes. "If you don't have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all." I said with a smile. He went from staring into my eyes to stating motionless at the wall. I pushed my eyebrows together as I grabbed his hand and walked out the bathroom.
PJ P. O. V
Tracy and HJ had just walked in. Violet just finished explaining to us that Logan is one of them. I sat on the couch glaring at Violet trying not to rip her head off of her shoulders. My boyfriend and his sister are probably being tortured right now because of her. "And why didn't you tell us all of this before?" Parker asked. "Now is not the time to point fingers. We have to get Austin and Avery back." Chris walked over to Violet and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Oh my god he's touching me." I heard in Violet's voice. I pushed my eyebrows together. Her mouth didn't even move. I looked down at my Cupid ring to see that it was glowing.

"Can you track down Logan?" Chris asked her. She nodded her head with a smile. "Good." Chris looked at grams. We got it from here." He said. Grams looked at all of us. "Oh come on. Can I stay a little longer? I miss all the action. The after life is so boring." She said. "Bye Grams." I said as I stood up from the couch and gave her a hug. Parker and my cousins joined in. She gave Tori a smile before disappearing with the use of white lights. "I don't think she likes me." Tracy said to HJ. He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. He tried again but still nothing. "What the hell?" I pushed my eyebrows together. "I'm training to be a cop. I've seen this before. It's called stress silence." Parker walked over to HJ.

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now