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Synopsis: The Halliwells are in witch court for exposing magic to Pathways high.

A/N- Tori didn't go to court because she didn't use her witch powers. Patience is going because she used astral projection which counts as a witch power

We all were in the school searching for the masked stranger. Chris went with Avalon and HJ, Melinda went with Patience, and I went with Tori. We were walking down the dark hallway. "Hey I want you to know that I'm the guy in this relationship." I seriously said. She nodded her head with a smile. "I know.. I can tell. It's what I like most about you." She responded. "No I mean, I run the relationship." I said causing her to stop.

"You run the relationship? Are you trying to say that your in charge of me?!" She angrily asked. "No I didn't-" I began to say. "Whatever Wyatt." She continued walking.
Patience and I walked down the basement hallway. "So who are you going to pick?" She asked as she held her wand out in front of her. I let out a sigh. "I'm going to pick-" Just before I can finish, Patience turned around. "Melinda look!" She said. I quickly turned around to see the masked stranger running up the basement stairs. We quickly followed. We chased him outside to the lacrosse field where the whole school was. Everyone moved out the way once he pulled out knife.

He threw it towards me. I quickly flicked my hands and froze it retrieving a gasp from the crowd. "Windigo spindigo!" Patience sent a tornado towards the masked stranger. He dogged it. "Chris! Wyatt! HJ!" I called. They orbed in with Tori and Avalon. Tori reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out her wand. "Geo vero!" Rocks began to fall from sky right above the masked stranger. The crowd gasped again.

He quickly rolled out the way dodging them. "Let's see if I'm powerful enough for him." Wyatt pushed out an energy wave towards him. Once it touched him, he barely moved. He reached into his pocket and threw another knife at Wyatt. He ducked and dogged it. HJ orbed behind him in an attempt to kick him but the masked stranger turned around and lifted him up into the air by his neck. He threw him onto the floor.

Patience astral projected and her and her astral self started fighting with the masked stranger. He pushed Patience onto the ground and reached into his pocket and pulled out another knife. How many does this guy have? He stabbed Patience's astral self. She disappeared in a pink glow. Suddenly, a bright white light started to form at the entrance of the doors that led inside of the school. We immediately stopped fighting and observed the glow that was forming.

The crowd took that opportunity to run off of the bleachers. "Freaks!" I heard someone yell. "I always knew it was something weird about them!" I heard another person say. The glow finally formed into two men wearing white suits. We all turned back in the direction the masked stranger was in to see that he was gone. Once everyone was gone the men started to walk over to us. I couldn't believe we just exposed magic to half of the school.

"Who are you?" Tori asked. "We're the cleaners." One man said. "And your here why?" HJ asked. "We make sure no mortals find out about magic. Apparently the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." He said. I crossed my arms. "Look we know we exposed magic to a bunch of people but we really needed to catch the masked stranger. I promise we were going to fix it later." I explained.

"Well the elders want to have a hearing." The other cleaner said. "When?" HJ asked. "You'll know when." The cleaners teleported out in a white glow.
I was sitting in my directors chair when Tyler walked over to me with his mail cart. I smiled. I really like him. I crossed my fingers in hope that he would ask me out on a date. Suddenly he froze. I pushed my eyebrows together. Suddenly I was sitting in a courtroom next to Parker and PJ. Sitting in my row was Mom, my aunts Alex, and Tamora. Sitting at a long table up front was Wyatt, Melinda, Chris, Patience, and HJ. An elder sat in a throne like chair. "No, no, no. We can't do this right now. I have a show to direct." I said.

"Time is frozen here. Now, who is going to represent you?" She asked. "Melinda." Everyone immediately said. "Wait a sec. What happened to that place where the demons and elders worked together?" Aunt Piper asked. The elder sighed. "Sadly it didn't work out. The demons tried to over power us. I call this witch court. Anyways let's begin. Wyatt, Chris, HJ, Melinda, and Patience Halliwell. You have exposed magic to an entire crowd of people. What do you have to say about it?" She asked. Melinda stood up from the table.

"In our defense we exposed magic to stop the masked stranger who is killing off the magical community. I think that's a pretty good reason." She said. "So are you saying that the only reason you exposed magic was so you can catch the masked stranger? Are you saying that you don't abuse your powers? " She asked. Melinda nodded her head. "That's exactly what i'm saying." Melinda sat down. "Good job Mel." I heard Chris say.

"Please everyone view the vision board." The elder said as she pointed to a large white board on the wall next to her. On the board was HJ, Chris, Avalon, Tracy, and Todd from the basketball team. They were all in a bowling alley. HJ took a deep breath and released the ball. Chris squinted his eyes and the ball that was about to go into the gutter hit all the pins. Tracy then clapped her hands. Next, Wyatt and Avalon were in the alley. Wyatt looked down at the destroyed bags. "Crap now we gotta go back." He said as he turned around about to head back to the store. Avalon stopped him. "Just use your powers doof." She simply said. "That's called personal gain." He informed her. "So?" She shrugged her shoulders. Wyatt sighed and conjured the bags they lost.

Next on the screen was my mom, dad, HJ, Tamora glamoured as HJ, and I in HJ's room with the woman and camera man from the day of the family interview. "And this is another technology thingy I made." Tamora said. The woman and camera mans eyes widened once they saw another HJ. "Oh my god. You have two sets of twins?" The screen went white. "That should be enough evidence. You Halliwells are careless with your powers and reckless with your magic. From this day fourth everyone in the Halliwell line are now mortal." She said causing everyone's eyes to widen.

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