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A/N- Update

Diana Halliwell/ first child of Wyatt and Avalon/ age- 16/ portrayed by Madison Pettis/status- Third blessed child, Witch, Whitelighter, Were-eagle, Latin witch, Wand wielder/ powers- Orbing, Telekinesis, Telekinic Orbing, Remote orbing, conjuring, shield, Freezing, Empathy, Cryokinesis/ Latin powers- personal gain spell casting, death reviving, mind control, memory manipulation, Invisibility, ability to communicate with animals, Locating, Time travel/ Were-eagle abilities- gliding, super strength, super speed, enhance senses, cell regeneration/ Cryo wand

Tori Dimmark/ age- 19/ portrayed by Hayden Panettiere/status- witch, wand wielder, high school graduate/ powers- Geokinesis/ Geo wand

Nicholas Tate/ Vampire Cross blood/ age- 24/ portrayed by Jensen Ackles/powers- Bat transformation, super strength, mind control, Spiritual Possession, Vampire sensing

Violet Tate/ Fairy Cross blood/ age- 17/ portrayed by Victoria Justice/ powers- Flying (With the use of fairy wings), Fairy dust, Fairy transformation

Oliver Tate/ Mermaid Cross blood/ age- 18/ portrayed by Ross Lynch/ powers- Water teleportation, Hydrokinesis, Shark armor, Ability to communicate with sea animals, Mermaid tail

Lucas Tate/ Leprechaun Cross blood/ age- 36/portrayed by Channing Tatum/ powers- Ability to become extremely lucky, Ability to make people have horrible luck, Rainbow teleportation

Lilian Rush (Lily)/ age- 17/ portrayed by Dove Cameron/ status- Human, high school junior

Tyler Williamson/ age-16/ portrayed by Peyton Meyer/
status- Human, high school sophomore, mail boy at the set of Life's a Witch

Shark Armor- The ability to turn a shark into a titanium suit of armor.

Mermaid tail- The ability to grow a mermaid tail and swim extremely fast and breath underwater.

Fairy dust (Violet's unlocked Cross Blood abilities for it)- The ability to turn fairy dust into fire and electricity. Ability to put someone to sleep. The ability to conjure.

Spiritual possession- The ability to take over a person's body.

Vampire sensing- The ability to sense what kind of supernatural a person is.

Cryokinesis- The ability to generate and manipulate ice and cold.

Locating- The ability to track down any person in the world.

I woke up in my bed next to Christy. She was still sound asleep. I picked up my underwear from off the floor and began to put it on. She started to wake up. "Do you know you are terrible in bed? Like the worst." I said as I removed the covers from off of me. "Anyways, let's get down to business. I found the perfect way to turn my sisters evil." I began to pour some scotch into a cup. "The only reason I agreed to help you is because you promised me my revenge."

"And you will get it. Just not now. Without the help of my sisters your weak compared to the Charmed ones, Prue, and Billie." I said. She narrowed her eyes. "Did you forget that I'm a wand wielder?" She asked. "And did you forget that you barely know how to use your wand?" I chuckled. "Now, here's the plan."
I followed my mom and dad into our kitchen. "This is so not fair." I wined. Mom turned towards me and sighed. "Patience you went over your phone limit." She said. I shrugged my shoulders. "So?" "You had the unlimited plan." Dad explained. My eyes wondered around the room. "If you want your phone on you have to get a job." Mom said. My eyes widened. "A job?" I asked confused.

"You know, a place where you work." Dad explained. "Ew, you mean work for other people?" I asked. They both nodded their heads. "Daddy please don't make me do this." I begged. "Your a Cupid and a cheerleader. That's work."He said with a smile. I stormed into my room.

Diana and I arranged a meeting at the cave her, Adam, and Courtney use to stay in. I paced back and fourth as I tried to process the information Diana told me last night. Once she told me she orbed out. I just couldn't believe that Wyatt and I have a kid. I don't find Wyatt the least bit attractive. Well.. Diana orbed in pulling me out of my thoughts. She smiled. "Hi." She said. "Uh, hi." I awkwardly replied. "Sorry I took so long. I had to get away from Courtney and Adam." She waved her hand and conjured two seats across from each other.

I sat down and she did as well. She smiled at me as silence filled the air. "So..." I began to say. "Oh right. Well your Werewolf DNA combined with dad's Witch and Whitelighter DNA made a Were-eagle." I clenched my eyes closed. "None of this makes sense." I opened my eyes. "I would never do that to Chris or Tori, and you can't be my daughter. You have a wand just like Tori." I crossed my arms.

"Wand wielding isn't genetic. I got a wand because of my Cryokinesis power. In the future you guys discover more wands." My eyes widened. More wands? She clenched her eyes closed. "And I wasn't suppose to tell you that." I chuckled. "So um, what does a were-eagle do?" I asked. "I'll show you." She waved her hand and conjured a high diving board. She began to climb up it. "Woah what are you doing?" I curiously asked.

Once at the top she gave me a smile as her eyes started to glow a bright red. She jumped off and glided to the other side of the cave with a red blur forming behind her arms. I started to smile.
Billie was about to head out of our bedroom door. "Honey don't forget that we have to look at some houses later on today. I'm going over to Prue's place to watch the baby while she helps Paige with report cards at the school." She gave me a kiss and walked out the door. "Love you." I said as she closed the door. A small fairy flew in through the window. It transformed into a girl. "What the hell?" I pushed my eyebrows together.

She chuckled. "Quit playing dumb. What are you doing here Lucas?" She asked. I flashed her a devilish smile. "I have been working on a plan." I sat down on the bed. "Oh I would love to hear this." She crossed her arms. "I got half of the ultimate power pregnant. Once the baby is born I'm going to take it and raise it to be the most powerful hybrid in the magical community. More powerful than the twice blessed child, twice cursed child, even those pathetic wand wielders." I explained.

"But what about the Diana girl? Nick sensed that she was part Witch, part Whitelighter, part Wizard, and something that feels the same as a werewolf but completely different." She tilted her head to the side while her arms remained crossed. "I'll handle her. Now go before someone sees you." I said. She let out a small sigh. "I really hope you know what your doing." She turned into a fairy and flew out the window.
Avery busted into my room. She closed the door. "Austin I need to tell you something." She said seriously. I sat up on my bed. "What's wrong Green Lantern?" She rolled her eyes. "I overheard Logan talking with someone. I think he's evil." I chuckled. "That's ridiculous. Logan is a very cool guy. Do you know he wrestled an alligator in Vermont?" I asked. She pushed her eyebrows together. "There are no alligators in Vermont idiot."

She started pacing. "The girl called him Lucas." She turned towards me. "Oh I know what this is about. Melinda is focused on the masked strangers and she doesn't have time for the little fourteen year old witch." I teased. "Ugh! Fine I'll just tell Justin. He is the wand wielder after all." She was beginning to walk out. "Wait. I'll help you. I have a plan."

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now