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(Photo- Dr. Davis)

Synopsis: The next generation and others battle it out with supers in search for Tamora, the cousins and elders make a risky decision. 

Lola charged at me with her foot in the air. I grabbed her leg and threw her into the wall. She quickly ran up it and landed back in front of me before kicking me in the stomach making me fall back. On the floor, I flicked my hands and sent her flying into the wall with an explosion.

She smiled. "Lets see if you could still do that without your sight." Lola waved her arm and suddenly I couldn't see anything.

"What did you do?!" I demanded.

"I made your eye sight invisible. Pretty cool right? Way better than that pathetic witch invisibility." I heard her say.

I stood up as I looked around the room. Everything was pitch black. Suddenly I got kicked and punched in the face forcefully.
HJ P. O. V
Avalon sent a row of blue fire towards the boy (Jasper). He jumped out the way dodging it. He threw a green fire ball into the air before jumping up and kicking it at Avalon.

This guy was way more advanced than Avalon with his hand blasters. I knew she needed some help.

The fire ball hit Avalon in her stomach burning a hole straight through.

"Oh my god." Kat said as Avalon sunk to her sunk to her knees.

I orbed closer in front of him and grabbed his neck flipping him over my shoulder.

Just when I was about to kick his face he rolled out the way and spun around on the floor. He used his foot to trip me. He quickly got up as green fire began forming in his hands. What was I thinking? Supers are scientifically more powerful than witches, Werewolves, and possible Cross bloods.  My eyes widened.
PJ was down on her knees as she placed her head on Parker's chest. The shadow energy had turned her skin gray.

"I don't hear a heart beat." PJ said with tears beginning to form.

"What do you mean you don't hear a heart beat?!" I shouted with tears running down my cheeks.

"Come on Parker your going to be okay sweetie." PJ held her head in her arms. She used one of her hands to wipe her tears.

Even more tears began to roll down my cheeks. "Wait, wait." I began wiping the tears. "When Diana came to our time she said she brought Wes back to life with one of her Latin powers." I said.

"Your right. Hold her." She said.

I got on my knees and PJ gently placed Parker's head in my arms.

She held out her hands. A few moments passes and nothing.

"What's wrong why isn't it working?!" I asked confused.

"I don't know."
"What's wrong Melinda? Why aren't you fighting back?" Lola asked in a teasing tone.

"Give me my eye sight back and I promise I'll kick your ass!"

"I have a better idea. How about I don't give you your eye sight back and then kill you." I heard her say.

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now