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I was walking home from my shift at Charmed. I heard heavy footsteps behind me. I slightly turned my head to see the masked stranger behind me. I ran into the nearest ally so nobody would see me use my magic. He had me cornered. I knew he was wearing a witches amulet so I had to think smart. He reached into his bag on his back and pulled out a dark lighter cross bow. "What? Where did you get that from?" I asked. He got an arrow from his jacket and placed it in the crossbow. He pulled the trigger. "Arrow!" I called for as it orbed on the floor. He reached into his pocket and pulled out another arrow. "Crossbow!" I called for. Orbs started surrounding the crossbow. The orbs came flying back at me knocking me down. The masked stranger shot me in the shoulder before picking me up and carrying me out of the ally.

I just finished cheer leading practice and was on my way back to the manor. Once there I made my way into the attic to find all of my cousins, brother, and Austin there. "Hey. Where's Kat?" Melinda asked. I pushed my eyebrows together slowly walking further into the attic. "I thought she was with you guys." I responded. Everyone shook their heads. "Kat!" I called. I waited for Kat to orb in. A few moments passed and she wasn't here. "Oh my god." I said nervously. "Mom!" HJ called. My mother orbed into the manor. "Kat's missing." I nervously said. "WHAT?" she yelled. "It has to be the masked stranger." HJ said. I closed my eyes. "I can sense her. She's still alive. I don't know her location." I told everyone. "Wyatt, Chris, HJ, and Austin scry for her. Girls come with me." Mom grabbed the book and we made our way downstairs. We tried everything to find Kat. I started to get nervous. "Mom." I said through the tears. She pulled me in for a hug. "Sweetie it's okay. I promise we will find her." I instantly thought back to yesterday. "Dashawn." I said. "What?" Melinda asked.

"The masked stranger. It has to be Dashawn." I said furious. "Woah Tam calm down." Parker said. "Why do you think it's Dashawn?" Patience asked. "Think about it. The killing started when Kat cancelled our date. Then when I tell him it was her and not me she mysteriously goes missing?" I started pacing. I looked at my cousins. "I'm going to kill him." Before anyone could say anything I orbed out. I orbed into what seemed to be Dashawn's room. He walked in."Tamora?" He asked confused. "What are you doing here? How did you get in?" He asked. I walked over to him and orbed him to the attic. "What? How did I get here." He asked. "Powers of the witches rise make these crystals trap this guy. Crystals! Circle!" I said trapping Dashawn in a crystal cage. "Where's my sister?!" I demanded. "Please I don't know what your taking about." He sounded scared as ever. "DO NOT PLAY DUMB WITH ME!" I shouted. Melinda, Wyatt and my mother walked into the attic. "TAMORA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" Mom asked. "I'm trying to get Kat back." I replied. "Please help!" Dashawn begged. "Shut up." I told him.

"How did you even trap him with crystals?" Wyatt asked. "I used a spell." I replied. "I'm going to ask ONE more time. Where is my sister?" I asked. "I don't know. Please let me go." He cried. "Tamora let him go." Mom said calmly. "Mom he has to be the killer. When I orbed to his house he knew who I was. Which means he has to have Kat." I said. "I knew it was you because your wearing your cheer leading uniform." He said scared. I looked down at my outfit. PJ and Parker walked upstairs. "Oh my god." PJ said. "Parker use your empathy power to see if he's lying." She nodded her head. "Where's my sister?" I asked. "I don't know." He cried. "He's telling the truth." Parker said. I giggled as I covered my mouth. "Oops." I snapped my fingers and the crystals orbed away. "What are you people?" Dashawn asked. Melinda flicked her hands and Dashawn froze. Chris ran into the attic. "I know where Kat is." I walked over to him. "What? How?" I asked. "I used my telepathy to see if I can hear her thoughts. She's in a abandoned building somewhere." I started pacing. "There's only two abandoned buildings in the area." Mom said. "Okay I'll check one and Melinda check the other. The rest of you guys work on a spell or potion to erase Dashawn's memory." I told everyone.

Wes and I were in the abandon building searching for Kat. "Melinda you have been ignoring me ever since I told you that I love you." He said as we walked through the building. "I have not." I told him. "Yes you have." He pulled me by the arm causing me to stop. "Melinda I'm in love with you." He told me. I sighed. "Okay Wes we can talk about this later. Right know we need to find my cousin." I told him as we continued walking.

We walked up the stairs. One apartment door was open. Wes walked in front of me gently pushing me back. "I'm the one with the fire power. I should be in front of you." I walked in front of him with my hands in the air. Once in the living room we saw Kat tied up to a chair. She was shot with a dark lighter bow and didn't look like she had that much time left. "Oh my god." I waved my hand and Kat orbed out. "I orbed her to the manor." I told Wes. "Come on let's get out of here." He replied. I placed my eyes on the masked stranger's mask. "Wait the mask. We can scry with it." I told him as I walked over to the table the mask was on. Wes followed. "Melinda I think we should go." He said behind me. I ignored his comment as I held and look at the mask. Wes sighed as he went next to me.

"MELINDA!" Wes yelled. I turned around to see a dark lighter arrow coming towards me. Wes jumped in front of me. The arrow went into his heart.

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now