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Guest star/ Edison Halliwell (Eddie)/ second child of Wyatt and Avalon/ Diana's twin brother/ portrayed by Leo Howard/ age- 16/ status- Third blessed child, Witch, Whitelighter, Were-eagle, Latin witch/ powers- Orbing, Telekinic orbing, Telekinesis, Conjuring, Remote orbing, Levitation, Voice manipulation, Pyrokinesis/ Latin powers- personal gain spell casting, mind control, memory manipulation, Invisibility, ability to communicate with animals, locating, Locating, Time travel, death reviving/ Were-eagle abilities- gliding, super strength, super speed, enhance senses, cell regeneration

I sat on aunt Melinda's bed as I enjoyed my last few hours in this time. A portal started to form. I stood up ready to fight whatever steps out. My twin stepped out of the portal. "Eddie?" I smiled. "Give me some love." He held his arms out. I gave him a hug. "What are you doing here?" I asked excitedly . "Just came to check on you." He replied. "And dad let you?" I raised my eyebrows. "What he doesn't know won't hurt him. Oh he's super mad at you by the way." He said. I rolled my eyes. "He will get over it."

"I have a question. Did you tell mom about Eric Green?" He asked. "Uh, why?" I nervously asked. Eddie started smiling. "Diana mom is back." My eyes widened as I smiled. "What?" " But dad is acting completely normal like she never died. So is she." He explained. "We should see if Courtney and Adam still know if she was dead." I said. "Wait no. If they see me they will make me go back. Please don't tell them I'm here."

"Eddie I-" I began to say but was cut off. "Please." He begged. I smiled as I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Turn invisible." I told him. He smiled as he waved his hand and turned invisible. I sat down on the bed. "Courtney! Adam!" I called. They both orbed in. "What is it?" Adam asked. "Let's play a quick game. I'll start a sentence and one of you finish." I said with a smile. "I'm leaving." Courtney said. They both began to orb out. "Stay!" My eyes flashed blue and they stopped orbing. "Wha- did you just use your Latin powers on us?" Adam asked.

"Okay I'll start." I said with a smile as I ignored his question. "In the future my mother is.." I stopped waiting for one of them to answer. "Alpha werewolf." Courtney simply replied. "And.." I asked. "A mother to annoying twins." Adam added. I can't believe it. They don't know either. "Okay your free to go." I said. Courtney and Adam looked at each other and orbed out. Eddie turned visible. "Even they don't know." He said. "We must be too powerful. We're not affected by the time change." I stood up. "I can't believe she's alive." I said as I hugged him. "She is. Now it's time for me to get my wand."

I pushed my eyebrows together. "Your not a wand wielder." I informed him. "Yeah but I could be. Think about it. This is the day Phoebe gets that premonition about Christie. Once they defeat her, you can convince them to save the wand for me and not give it to Chris's charge." He said. "What? No way." I crossed my arms. "Please. I'm tired of people calling me the weaker twin."

"But you are the weaker twin." I chuckled. "Whatever. Are you going to do it? For your twin?" He smiled. "Ugh fine."
My sisters and I were in the kitchen. "I can't believe they are going back home tonight. I'm going to miss them so much." Prue said referring to Courtney and Adam. She and Paige were sitting at the table while Phoebe stood at the counter next to me. I gave Prue and Paige their coffee. Paige rubbed her shoulder. "It still hurts?" Prue asked. "A little." Paige replied. "What made you think you can hang the banner up? You should of got one of the boys to do it." Phoebe said after talking a sip of her coffee.

"I don't know. I'm tired of relying on others. I use to be a kick ass witch and now I barely do anything." She said. "Tell me about it. All I do Saturday nights is sort out baby socks." Prue sighed. "What happened to us?" She asked. I looked at Phoebe who couldn't stop observing Prue's necklace. It was very beautiful.

"Prue where did you get that?" Phoebe asked

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"Prue where did you get that?" Phoebe asked. Prue picked it up from off her neck. "Christie gave it to me. She said its some friendship necklace or something." She shrugged her shoulders. I rolled my eyes. "What are you twelve?" I asked. "I think it's sweet." Phoebe said with a smile. She walked over to Prue and touched the necklace. She clenched her eyes closed and lifted her shoulders up.
Piper, Phoebe, Paige, and Billie were in the attic searching through the Book of Shadows. "I knew we shouldn't have trusted that bitch." Piper said angrily. "Me too. We need to find a spell to get that necklace off of Prue." Paige said. The attic door flew open. Prue stood there next to Christie who was holding her wand in her hand. "Are you ready to die?" Christie asked. "Prue please this isn't you." Piper attempted. "Oh believe me. I want noting more than to have your blood on my hands. Prue and Christie let out a dark chuckle.

"Christie how could you?" Billie cried. "Oh please. You said it yourself. We're not sisters right?" Christie smiled. "This has nothing to do with us. What about the baby?" Billie asked. "I don't care about that Cross blood baby." Christie said causing Prue to chuckle. "Your really a stone cold bitch!" Billie shouted. Christie narrowed her eyes as she started to circle her wand around. The tip started to glow a bright red. "We gotta get Billie out of here." Piper said. Paige was about to place her hand on Billie's shoulder and orb her out. "I don't think so." Prue waved her arm sending Paige sliding across the floor. "This has been fun but we have other things to do. Pyro ignite!" Fire shot out and killed Piper, Phoebe, and Billie.
Phoebe opened her eyes as she placed her eyes on Prue.

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now