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Dashawn Lynch/ Super, Vampire/ active powers-  Super speed, Shadow projection

Lola/ Super/ Active powers- Invisibility

Jasper/ Super/ Active powers- Hand blasters

Synopsis: The next generations and others go to the Evo factory in search for Tamora, they battle it out with supers.  

"Why did the lights go out?!" PJ nervously asked.

"Probably just a power outage. Here let me turn them on." HJ said.

Suddenly the lights came on and HJ had his hand in the air.

"That was weird." Wyatt said.

A gust of wind caused everyone clench their eyes close. "Surprise. Remember me?" Standing in front of everyone was Dashawn.

He looked completely different. The pimples on his face cleared up and and his hair had been gelled down. He wore black jeans with a black t shirt.

Everyone jumped back.

"How did you do that!?" Chris demanded.

"You see the Evo's gave me great power and to keep it all I have to do is kill you." He smiled.

"Yeah well good luck." Patience reached into her boot and pulled out her wand. She began circling it around.

Dashawn held out his hand sending dark energy at the wand knocking it out of Patience's hand.

He super speeded towards Tamora and grabbed her by the neck. He opened his mouth revealing fangs. Just when I was about to lift my hands, HJ sent an orb shield towards Dashawn's foot causing him to trip.

HJ held out his hand sending electricity towards him. A giant dark shield of energy shot it back at HJ causing him to go flying.

"Shadow manipulation. You guys like?" He smiled. "You all think you could take my memory and get away with it? I PROMISE you'll all regret it." He super speeded out with Tamora.

"Okay what the hell?" PJ's eyes widen.

Kat stormed into the kitchen.

"The Evos turned Dashawn into a super." Chris said shocked.

"And he took Tamora." Parker added.

Just as HJ began to get up Kat walked out the kitchen carrying a wooden stake and an onion.

"Kat what do you think your doing?" HJ asked as he held his head.

"They took Tamora. I'm going to the Evo factory to get my sister back."

"Kat we're going to get her back. We just need a plan." Patience said.

"Yeah we just can't go there and-" Parker began to say before Kat orbed out.

"Oh my god now what?" I asked.

"We follow her people! Duh." HJ orbed out.

"We heard screaming." Oliver said as him and Violet came down the stairs.

"And why did the lights go out?" Violet added.

"No time to explain. Meet us at the Evo factory." I orbed out.
Dashawn had me thrown against his shoulder as we walked through the Evo factory halls.

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now