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HJ P. O. V

I just finished my last class of the day at Magic school. I orbed into the attic to find Kat sitting on the couch. I knew it was Kat because I sensed her. "Hey bro." She said as she wrote in her red fur cover notebook. I sat down next to her. "Hey. You writing your book?" I asked. "Yeah. I wrote all that happened with Zaraya and now the characters lives just got back to normal. Now all I need is a twist." My mom orbed into the attic. "What is it mom?" I aksed."your father called. There were two murders. He searched the house and found potion vials." "They were witches?" I asked. Mom nodded her head. "So that's the twist!" Kat said excitedly.

HJ, Melinda, uncle Henry, and I were at the crime scene where the two witches got murdered. "Okay I can get you in. Make sure you freeze everyone." Uncle Henry told Melinda. She nodded her head. I turned around to see Dominique standing across the street. "I'll catch up with you guys." I ran across the street towards her. "Dominique?" I said in a curious tone. "Oh hey Parker. What are you doing here?" She asked. "I was just about to ask you the same thing." She laughed nervously. "Uh just getting some fresh air." I pushed my eyebrows together. "At a crime scene?" I asked. "I was actually on my way back home. I'll see you at school." She said as she walked away. "Uh, Okay." I shouted. I made my way into the small brick house. Melinda froze everyone and HJ used his techno path power to hack into the web cam on the computer. He placed his hand on the screen as he closed his eyes.

Video footage appeared from what seemed to be last night. A girl, about eighteen was huddled in the corner by a person in a black and blue mask. The stranger then stabbed the girl in the stomach.

Melinda placed her hand over her mouth. "Who would do such a thing?" I asked. "A witch hunter that's who." HJ replied. "But a mask? witch hunters don't use a mask." Melinda said. "It is a really nice mask." I placed a hand on my hip. "I was just thinking that the blue really collides with the black." HJ said as he observed the video. "Yeah, it kinda gives it that neon look." I added. "Where do they sell those?" HJ asked. "Okay guys I think we should go home and tell the others." Melinda said putting us back on track. HJ and I nodded our heads. Melinda and HJ orbed out. I then beamed out.

Mom, dad, my siblings and I were eating dinner in the dining room. I didn't know if I should believe what Alex said about me turning out evil in a different reality. Silence filled the air until mom broke it. "So how's the club coming along?" She asked me with a smile. "Fine." I simply replied. "Uh, okay." I used my fork to push my peas and mash potatoes into each other. "You okay Wyatt? Your barely eating." Dad said in a concern tone. "Was I suppose to be evil?" I spatted out causing mom and dad to drop their forks. "Why would you ask that sweetie?" Mom asked. "Is it true?" I demanded. They both looked at each other. "Yes." Dad replied. I slid my seat from under the table and stormed upstairs. I didn't care that I was supposed to be evil. All the sisters turned evil at one point. I just couldn't believe that my own parents would keep something like this from me.

I sat on the gym bleachers as I tried to avoid Wes. Orbs started to form next to me. A couple seconds later he was sitting right next to me. "Wes! Luckily nobody saw. I told you that you can't do that in here." I told him. He showed me his adorable puppy dog eyes. "I missed you and you keep avoiding me." He said in a soft tone. "I miss you too." I admitted. "I just need some time to think about things." He grabbed my hand softly as he stared into my eyes. "Is it because I said I love you? Cause I do and I will wait for you." He said. "I know you love me Wes. I need to figure out if I feel the same way."

He kissed my hand before walking away. It was 5th period and everyone was in class. This was usually the time where principle Pots puts laxatives in her coffee so she can blow up the teacher's lounge bathroom so everyone else will be forced to smell it. I took this opportunity to sneak out of gym glass and into the hallway. I wanted to take a look at the video of Chris and Dashawn. There has to be something else to it. He could even be the one behind the two murders since he's the only one who has a motive. Chris told me that she kept a small silver tablet in her desk. In order for this to work I would have to get inside of principle Pots office quickly so nobody would notice me. I walked over to her office door and melted her door knob which made it easy for me to push open the door. Once inside I placed a hand on my forehead reminding myself that I just could of orbed inside. I searched through her desk and found nothing. Suddenly the lights came on and standing at the door way was principle Pots.
"Seeing that this is the second time this week you had to come up here for one of your delinquents, I think you should start taking action." Principle Pots told my mother as we sat in her office. "This is so not like her." My mom began to say. "But you know what is like her Pepper? Your daughter is a little know it all who constantly tells me how to run my school. 'You should put on the play Annie, you should change the school lunch menu to actual meat, you should stop telling the players on the lacrosse team to make the other team members bleed to death." She said mocking me. I rolled my eyes as a fake smile appeared on my mother's face. "Well I promise you nothing like this won't happen again." My mother said. "I hope not. Now I don't know how you managed to melt my door knob." She said to me as my eyes suspiciously wondered around the room. Principle Pots turned her head back to my mom. "But I do know that I will be needing $100."

"$100?!?" My mother shouted. "That door knob did not cost $100. My husband's a handyman. He can come right over and add another one" She said. " Let me stop you right there. I can honestly say that I strongly hate your family Pepper. Your husband sickens me, Your sons give me migraines and your daughter makes me want to stab my tongue repeatedly. Now I could expel Chris and Melinda for their current events, or I could get $100 and put this behind me." My mother let out a sigh as she went into her purse and pulled out a $100 bill. She slowly lifted her hand and handed principal Pots the money. "Thank you Pepper." She said as she put the money in her bra. "Your both are free to leave." Mom and I walked out of her office. "Melinda what were you thinking?" She asked. "I was trying to get the video footage of Chris." I told her as she placed a hand on her forehead. "Why didn't you just ask PJ to reply Chris's memory or ask HJ to hack into her tablet?" She asked. "I'm having a off week okay!" I admitted. "Wes told me he loves me." A smile appeared on her face. "Do you love him?" She asked. "I don't know." She placed a hand on my shoulder as she gently rubbed it. "Just listen to your heart honey. Your dad and I been through a lot before you were born. If I can do it, so can you." A smile began to creep on my face as she walked away.

I stood outside robotics class as I watched HJ build is robot. Finding a girl for HJ is like finding a needle in a hay stack. Once class was over he picked up his bag and walked out. "Are you stalking me?" He asked as he continued walking down the hallway. I quickly followed. "I wanted to tell you that I found the perfect girl for you. Her name is Tracy and she's new." HJ pulled out his phone and held it to his ear. "Yeah hi can I speak to the annoying Cupid- Witch police? I have one here who won't leave me alone."

"Annoying?" I said offended. I lifted two fingers as a strong force of wind knocked HJ down causing everyone in the hall to laugh.

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now