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(Phone- Kat)


I was sitting at the kitchen table with Lily. It's nice to have a human friend to talk about normal things with. "So there's this boy and I really like him. But I'm really close with his ex." I explained. "It depends. How close?" She asked. "Closer than you think." I responded. "Just tell the girl 'Hey bitch, you guys broke up so he's mine now." She said jokingly. I sighed. "I can't say that. She's my cousin." I dropped my head on my textbook. Her eyes slightly widened. "Well if you really like the guy I think you should go for it. She should understand. Not everyone could find love." She said. "I know. But I feel bad. I'm catching feelings for my cousins ex." I said. "Mel it's not your fault. Now if you really like this guy, your going to tell your cousin straight then your going to go after him before someone else does. I mean, it's not like he lives downstairs from you or something." She said. "More like down the hall." I mumbled.



I stood in p3 with a few demons. "Christie was useless just like I expected. It's like I always say. If you want something done, torture someone into doing it for you." I let out a sigh as I sat down on one of the chairs. My head demon in charge raised his hand. "Uh, I was thinking that you should turn one of your sisters evil now, Probably Patience since she's the most powerful at the moment. With her evil we can set operation C into motion." He nervously said. I shot my head towards him and stood up. All the other demons took steps back. I was now standing in front of my head demon. "Your a genius Zack. You kinda grew on me. Like Robin to Batman or Joe Theismann's horrible, hilarious leg injury." I said with a smile. "My names not Zack.. It's Lance." He corrected. I raised my hand and vanquished him with a fireball.



The people from channel eleven news was on their way here. I was pacing around the living room as my parents and sister watched. "Calm down honey. Phoebe has done plenty of interviews. I even did one for her one time. They are really easy." Mom said in an attempt to calm me down. "I'm not scared about the interview. I told them that the whole household would be here. I can't believe HJ would do this to me!" I angrily said. "Now Kat your brother would never want to disappoint you. He just has a responsibility. You have to respect that." Dad said. I let out a sigh as the doorbell rung. My eyes widened. "It's them." I quickly rushed over to the door and opened it. In front of me stood a lady and a man holding a camera. "Hi." I said with a smile. I stepped aside so they can come on. "This is a lovely house you have here miss Halliwell." The lady said. "Thanks." I responded. "So first I want to interview you then your family." The lady looked at my family. "I was told that you had a brother." She said confused. "I do but he couldn't be here. Shall we start?" I asked.



I sat on a chair in the backyard as I watched Avalon teach my dad how to control his abilities. They were now walking over to me. "I think he's got it." She said with a smile. "Well dad?" I asked. He took a deep breath and balled up his fist. He opened his hand revealing claws. The claws slowly started to turn back into nails. I smiled. "This is good. Now you guys can find worthy people for the bite." I said. Avalon bit her lip. "What's wrong?" I asked Avalon. "It's nothing." She replied. "So how do we find worthy people?" Dad asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "Beats me." I looked at Avalon. "I know a way." She said unsure.



Melinda and I walked through the alley. We were on our way to Charmed to help out with service since Tamora was at home doing Kat's family interview. We started hearing noses coming from behind the dumpster. "Who's there!?" Melinda demanded. We immediately jumped into our battle stances. Melinda flicked her hands and melted the dumpster. No one was behind it. "Boo." Someone whispered in my ear. Melinda and I quickly turned around to see Violet and Oliver standing behind us. "Oh my god." Melinda excitedly said. She pulled Violet in for a hug as I pulled Oliver in for a bro hug. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked with a smile. Their smiles quickly faded. "We need your help." Violet seriously said.



My family and I had just finished our interviews. "It's a shame your brother couldn't be here." The lady said. I sighed as HJ walked through the front door. "I'm here." He said with a smile. The lady smiled. "Lovely. We should start right away." She told him. "One sec." I told her. I walked over to HJ. "Thanks. I knew you wouldn't let me down." I said with a smile. "It's me. Tam." She whispered. My eyes widened. "Are your stupid or crazy?" I asked. "Calm down. You needed HJ for your interview and now you have him." She walked over to the lady and camera man. "Okay HJ are you ready?" The lady asked. "Please step into my room." She opened HJ's room door. Her, the camera man, and my parents entered. Tam closed the door. A few moments passed and HJ walked through the door. My eyes widened. "HJ what are you doing here?" I asked. "Well I felt bad for blowing off your interview so I asked uncle Leo if someone else could grade the papers." He explained. "Oh no. No, no, no, no, no." I started pacing. He pushed his eyebrows together. "Not the reaction I was looking for." He started walking towards me to go inside of his room. "You can't go in there." I said now standing in front of the door. "Of course I can. It's my room." He said. "Now move." He added. I didn't move. He held out his hand. "Couch!" He orbed me onto the couch behind him and walked inside. I quickly got up and followed. "And this is another technology thingy I made." Tamora said holding one of HJ's devices in her hands. The camera man and the lady's eyes widened once they saw another HJ standing next to me at the door. My parents eyes widened. "Oh my god." The lady said.

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now