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We all whirled into an alley to find a blonde haired boy who had his back turned towards us. He stood far in front of us and began to lift his hands to create another earthquake.

"Not so fast!" Tori said causing him to quickly turn around.

"The Evos warned me about you guys. The Halliwells." An evil grin appeared on his face.

"Well there are technically only three Halliwells here.." HJ pointed out.

Quake pushed his eyebrows together. "Dammit really? Okay could we just start this over?" He nicely asked.

"Fine." I sighed as I circled my wand around and whirled everyone out then back into the alley.

Quake showed us a devilish grin. "The wand wielders."

"Quake I'm guessing." Avery said sarcastically.

"What gave it away? Was it the recent earthquakes?" He asked with a smile. "I got to admit. You all proved yourself when you vanquished Zeke. Let's see if you can beat me."

PJ began circling her wand around. "Sour flower!" She said as she pointed her wand at Quake.

"Sour flower? Seriously?" I asked. "There is no way that spell-" I began to say.

Suddenly, a giant sunflower hung over Quake's head. He tilted his head as skunk spray sprayed him. He clenched his eyes closed as he began fanning the air.

"Come on now that's just sick." He said as the flower disappeared. He jumped into the air and punched the ground causing a giant crack to come towards Justin who was standing in the front next HJ and I

Once the crack got close to his feet the floor opened causing Justin to fall in it.

"Make my light stand tall, don't let my brother fall!" Avery pointed her wand at the floor as the tipped glowed a bright yellow. A ray of light went full speed towards Justin and lifted justin into the air and placed him next to her.

Quake jumped into the air and turned into a small rock that was rolling towards us. It then turned into a large boulder.

"Electric Clypeus!" HJ said with his wand pointed in the air. A giant electric shield surrounded us. An electric bolt shot out from the shield and hit the rock causing Quake to shift back into a human and go flying into the sky.

"Vine, smine." PJ pointed her wand at him causing a gaint vine to grow tall into the air and grab him by the leg. It pulled him to the ground. Once he hit the floor he held out his hands once more before the vine pulled him into the floor.

Suddenly the earth began to shake. Another crack began to form in the ground. Avery quickly jammed her wand that was in the ground as her whole wand glowed a bright yellow. "With this light that shines so bright, fix this crack with all my might!" A yellow glow began to fix the crack as Avery clenched her eyes closed.

"Come on Avery almost there." Justin said.

Suddenly the crack closed.

It was official. The new wand wielders were better than us.

"That was amazing." PJ widened her eyes with a smile.

"I am so using this for personal gain." Avery said as she twirled her wand.

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now