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(Photo- Diana)


Avalon and I climbed up mountains as I followed the connection to the wielder. Avalon reached the top of the mountain before I did. "I should of just took a rock up here." I said out of breath as I finally reached the top of the mountain. Avalon placed her finger on her mouth. She pointed inside the cave to three people talking. We crawled inside the cave and went behind two big rocks. "I just want to see her one more time." The girl who saved Wyatt and I said. "You can't." The boy replied. "Easy Adam. It's not her fault that she misses her mother." The girl with silky dark brown hair said. "Courtney, do you want to jeopardize the mission? Cause that's exactly what she's doing." The boy placed his hands on his head and turned around. "Don't act like when we came back we didn't do things to get the Halliwells on our trail. Lay off." The girl said as the one who saved us looked at the ground. They sounded like they were planning on attacking the Halliwells. But if they are planning an attack, why did one of them save us? "Isn't that the girl who we saw that day on the our way to Charmed?" Avalon whispered. I got a good look at her face. Then it clicked. "It is. Come on, let's go back to the manor." I said. We quickly crawled out.
"Someone is trying to kill us?" Chris asked worried. "Wanna hug?" Avalon asked sweetly. Chris shook his head and pulled Avalon in for a hug. "I can use a hug." Wyatt held his arms out expecting me to hug him. I went into my jacket pocket and pulled out my wand. I pointed at the floor. "Rock guardian!" A tall rock monster appeared and gave Wyatt a tight hard hug. "Okay, okay." He shouted in pain while we all laughed.

I circled my wand around and the guardian disappeared. "you so like me." Wyatt said with a smile. Avalon rolled her eyes. "Your such a doof." She whispered. Wyatt shot his head towards Avalon. "Oh yeah? how many deer did you eat today Wolfie?" Wyatt rudely asked. Him and Avalon started to argue. "HEY!" Chris shouted causing them to stop arguing. "Wyatt, you are a doof. You can't get mad because of it. Now can't we focus on these people trying to kill us?" He asked. Avalon closed her eyes as if she was trying to remember something. "Ava what are you trying to remember?" I asked. "The other two called each other by their names. I'm trying to remember them." She thought for a moment and opened her eyes. "I believe their names were Courtney and Adam." She said. "Yeah it was." I added. Wyatt and Chris looked at each other then back at us. "Are you serious? Those are our cousins from the future." Chris said while laughing. "Come on. Let's orb over there." Wyatt said.

Chris grabbed Avalon's hand and orbed out. Wyatt held out his hand with a smile. I couldn't help to smile back. I grabbed his hand and we orbed out. We reached the cave at the same time they did. We saw a king size bed with a girl in it. She turned around with her eyes closed. "Courtney?" Wyatt and Chris said in unison. Her eyes shot open. "Crap." She mumbled. A boy got up from another bed yawning and stretching. "WES!?" Wyatt and Chris said shocked. "Crap." Courtney mumbled again.
HJ P. O. V

Tracy and I were in the basement. I had set up a training dummy for her and walked over to her side. "Okay so I don't know how Banshee's tap into their powers but just concentrate on the training dummy and scream." I told her. She nodded her head. She focused on the training dummy and took a deep breath. She let out a loud scream and a large sound wave knocked the top half of the dummy of its body. My eyes widened as I looked at Tracy who was now smiling. "Remind me to never get on your bad side." I walked over to the other half of the training dummy and picked it up. "This is awesome." She said excitedly as she jumped up and down. "Until you accidentally makes someone's head explode." I said causing her smile to fade. "We need to work on control." I said as I placed the top half of the dummy back on it's body. I moved next to her.

"Concentrate on not using your sonic scream." I told her. She closed her eyes and let out a scream. A sound wave knocked the top half of the dummy if it's body. My eyes slightly widened. "Uh, we'll work on that." I said with a supporting smile. She let out sigh and nodded her head. I pulled her in close and kissed her.

"You can't tell us why you came back?" I asked Courtney, Adam, and the mystery girl. "You know we can't.It could change the future." Adam replied. "Why didn't you tell us you guys were here?" Wyatt asked. "We didn't want to get you guys involved." Courtney simply replied. I focused my attention on the girl who saved Wyatt and Tori. "And who's this?" I asked confused. Courtney and Adam turned their heads to her. The girl smiled. "Hi Dad." She said to Wyatt while waving. "Hi mom." She said looking in Tori and Avalon's direction. Wyatt and Tori's eyes widened.

Dominique and I were hanging out in my room. "Knock, knock." Patience said as she entered. "Hey sis." I said. I looked over at Dominique who seemed to look frightened. "Hey girls." Patience said sitting down on the bed next to Dominique. "So Domo, why didn't you come to homecoming?" Patience asked as she titled her head to the side. "Oh yeah I was meaning to ask you that." I added. Dominique went silent for a moment. "I had a thing." She responded with a half smile. "What thing?" Patience asked in a curious tone. "Uh, I was.. helping my mom with something." She quickly said. "Interesting." Patience got up and walked away.

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