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Eddie held the house phone in his hand. He dialed dads number but made sure he blocked it so he wouldn't know what number it was. He picked up. "Hello who is this?" Dad asked. "Wyatt it's me Tori." Eddie said using his voice manipulation power. I placed my hand over my mouth trying to hold in my laughter. "Oh hey Tori. Why did you block your number?" He asked. "Look I was thinking about our date." Eddie said ignoring the question. "What about it?" He asked. "Let's just skip it. I want you to make love to me right now." Eddie said. Silence was all that was heard. Suddenly we heard a door open and someone running down the steps.

We both let out chuckles. "Oh my god I missed you so much." I said. "Same here. It's boring pranking people when your not there. Let's go prank aunt Melinda!" He said with a smile. We waved our hands and we turned invisible.
"Prue take that necklace off now!" I demanded. "What? Why?" Prue asked confused. "Christie hexed it or something." I replied. "Don't gotta tell me twice. Necklace!" Paige orbed the necklace to her hand. She threw it up in the air and Piper flicked her hand blowing it into a million pieces. "Wha- Piper! Paige!" Prue crossed her arms. She turned towards me. "I would like to see this premonition myself." She raised her eyebrows as she stood up. "Fine." I held out my hands and she placed her hands on top of mine.

They started to glow white as she closed her eyes. A few moments passed. Prue widened her eyes. "Oh my god." She sat back down. "Ha! I knew it." Piper said to Paige. "What do we do?" Prue asked. "We take her out before she has the chance to take us out." I said. "Okay maybe I can just talk to her and-" Prue began to say. "Prue you saw it yourself. This girl isn't going to listen to reason. Now are you with your sisters or not?" Paige asked. Prue sighed. "I'm with you." She said.
I was in my apartment with Christie. "Are you sure that necklace will turn her evil?" Christie asked. "For the last time incompetent fool. Of course it's going to work. I hexed the necklace myself." I told her. "You say that with such pride. Wyatt did beat you." She said with a smile. I lifted a hand and she went flying into the wall. I had her in a telekinetic hold. I walked over to the wall with my hands behind my back. I moved closer to her ear. "Next time you insult me your getting a energy ball to the face. Now be useful and kill someone." I lifted my hand and she fell to the floor.
My sisters and I were in the kitchen when Prue called for Patience. She beamed in. "Yeah aunt Prue?" She asked. "I need you to watch Courtney for me." She said. "Now? No way I'm busy." She crossed her arms. "I'll pay you for it." Prue said with a smile. "Suddenly my schedule cleared up." Patience beamed out. "Okay let's get down to business people." Piper said as we followed her into the living room. "Cole! Andy! Coop!" Piper called. Cole and Andy orbed in. A few moments later Coop beamed in. "Andy can you please get my husband?" She asked. Andy orbed out and orbed back in with Leo.

"What's going on?" Leo asked. "We have a problem." Phoebe said. HJ orbed in. "Hey mom can I talk you about something?" He asked. He viewed everyone in the room. "What's going on here?" He pushed his eyebrows together. "Uh it's a demon problem." Prue responded. HJ smiled. "Demons my favorite. I'll go check the book." He was heading towards the stairs. "Uh we got it from here honey." I said. He laughed. "You guys? Seriously?" He cocked an eyebrow. "What? We're still charmed and kicking." Piper said with a smile. "Okay whatever. Mom can I speak with you in the kitchen?" He asked.

"Sure honey." I followed him into the kitchen. We sat at the table. He let out a sigh. This must of been pretty serious. HJ never talks to me about anything. He usually goes to Henry. "So do you remember Lilian?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Well I think that I.. Kinda.. Sorta.. Like her." He said causing me to place my hands over my mouth. "Aw honey that's great your moving on from Tracy." I said with a smile. "That's the thing I didn't move on from Tracy. But she's obviously not coming back. So what I really want to know is it too early to start dating again?" He asked.

"Well you owe it to yourself to be happy. If you really like this girl I say go for it." I said. He smiled. "Thanks mom." We both stood up and he gave me a hug. He orbed out. I smiled to myself. Our first real mother, son talk. I walked back in the living room. "We just filled them in." Phoebe said referring to the guys. "Good." I stood next to Prue. "Remember Christie isn't just a witch anymore. She's a wizard." Leo informed everyone. "So do we have to kill her with a wizard vanquishing potion?"

I asked. Billie walked through the door. "Guys I have exciting news. My little Cross blood is going to be a girl!" She said. We all smiled as my sisters and I gave her a hug. "What what is everyone doing here?" She asked confused. Everyone went silent. "I may be pregnant but I'm not an idiot. What's going on and I want the truth." She crossed her arms. Everyone looked at me. I pushed my eyebrows together. "Why me?" I asked. "She's your charge." Coop said. I looked at Billie. "You should sit down."

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now