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(Photo- Violet)


"We need to do what we came here to do. Find all the Cross bloods and make sure that they're dead." Adam said. The lunar eclipse was coming soon and Diana didn't look so good. We were all in the guest room. "Diana maybe you should stay here." I said in a concerned tone. "No. I'm the only way you guys can find the Cross bloods. Their powers aren't stronger than mine." She said. I looked over at Adam. "She's right." He said. I sighed. "It's settled then." She orbed out. We followed.

"Sister? What do you mean sister?" Tracy asked confused. Nicholas clenched his eyes closed as he groaned. He must of got a vamp sense. I got up off the bed and walked over to him and Oliver. "We have a problem." He said in a serious tone. I turned towards Tracy. "We'll be back. Promise me you won't leave." I said. She sighed. "I promise." I smiled at her before turning around and walking out the door. We made our way out of the hotel and went to the ally in the back. Three people stood there waiting for us. "It's about time you show up." One girl said.

"And you are?" Oliver asked. "I'm Adam and this is Courtney and Diana. We're here to kick your ass." He said with a smile. Nick hissed revealing his fangs. They charged at us as we charged at them. I was fighting the Courtney girl. I pulled out a small blue bag and quickly threw fairy dust at her. She turned invisible and the fairy dust went right through her. She turned visible and tripped me with her foot and waved her arm. I went sliding across the floor.

On the floor I saw Adam using hyper speed to run circles around Oliver. From the look on Oliver's face it looked like he was running out of air. I placed my eyes on a large tree branch. I quickly threw it in his direction causing him to trip and fall. Courtney was walking in my direction. I quickly stood up and threw a punch at her. She caught my fist. A small smile crept on her face as she squinted her eyes. I went flying into the wall. I looked over at Nicholas to see him dodging all of Diana's punches. She kicked him in the stomach with force causing him to fall. He quickly got up. "That's enough!" Nicholas shouted. Oliver and I joined his side.

We closed our eyes combining our powers. Oliver used his mermaid power to enhance my fairy dust. Nicholas used his vampire power to make my fairy dust infinite. We can enhance one person's abilities. My sister is the most powerful. She's the key to everything. With her powers we can all use our enhanced ability at the same time. I'm not going to let those witches ruin my  chance to have that kind of power or take my sister away from me. I held my hands out and a big wave of fairy dust shot out towards them. Diana quickly held up her hands as a large purple shield appeared in front of them. I moved closer with fairy dust still coming out of my hands. Diana moved closer blocking my fairy dust with her shield.

I moved closer and closer and her shield started to melt."Okay orb now!" Diana said with her hands still in the air. Adam placed his hands on Courtney and Diana's shoulder and orbed out. "Pathetic." Nicholas folded his arms. "Come on, let's go back upstairs." I said.

Violet, Nicholas, and Oliver had just came back in. "Where did you all go?" I asked curiously. "Uh, Oliver forgot something downstairs In the lobby." Nicholas said. "What was it?" I asked. They both looked at Violet. "His necklace." She said with a smile.

He went into his pocket and showed me the silver fish tailed necklace. "It was my mom's. The only thing I have left of her." Nicholas placed a supporting hand on Oliver's shoulder. "Anyways, now we can explain-" I cut Violet off in the middle of her talking. "No. I'll only talk you. Not them." I said referring to Nicholas and Oliver. They looked at each other and left the room.

Violet sat down on the bed with a smile. Now actually paying close attention to her face, she looks exactly like my dad and I. "How are we sisters?" I asked. She let out a small sigh. "The Evo scientists took our dad's DNA and injected it into a Fairy and a Banshee. The day we were born Lucas was around sixteen. He saw our dad escape. When he grabbed you I was on the other side of the glass. He left because he knew that if he stayed any longer the alarms would go off and the Evo's would have been notified." A tear rolled down her cheek. She quickly wiped it."They experimented on me for eight years. Then Lucas finally got strong enough to over power them. He took Oliver and I, changed our last names to Tate and raised us. A year later we realized that we Cross bloods have connections to each other. We found Nicholas who some how managed to escape. Well actually he found us. Up until recently Lucas abandoned us. We haven't seen or heard from him. That's when Nicholas decided to take action and find you." A smile grew on her face.

I couldn't believe it. My father actually left one of his daughters behind. I couldn't imagine what Violet had to go through. "Like it or not we're sisters and we're in this together. You think we are the bad guys but all we want is to be together. As a family. You don't fit in with your boyfriend's family. They are witches and even that wolf girl has the wolf dad. Your not like them." Once she said that, I had an epiphany. Maybe she was right. I don't fit in with them and I hadn't noticed it because I was the only one of my kind.

Now they are here. True family and my real sister. "Now, we're not going to force you into doing something you don't wanna do. But just stay for one more day and consider going with us." She said. I rolled my eyes. "Fine."

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now