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Synopsis: The Evo scientists drain Avalon of her powers so that she can become a super, Kat gets a date with Tyler. Tori battles it out with an old lady for push pins.

I had just started waking up. I noticed that I was strapped down to a chair in the Evo scientist lab. I chuckled to the fact that they thought they could keep me here. I tried to use my super strength to break the straps but I couldn't. I pushed my eyebrows together as a man walked in. "Hello Avalon. I'm Dr. Grant. I'll be taking care of you today." He said calmly. "Why isn't my super strength working!?" I asked in a demanding tone as I tried to break out of the straps. "The electricity temporarily weakened your abilities. Just long enough for me to do this." He reached into his lab coat and pulled out a large needle with blue liquid in it. He injected it into my arm causing me to clench my eyes closed.

"What was that?" I asked in a weak tone. "You see, in order to turn a werewolf into a super we need to take different steps." He walked over to a metal table and reached into his lab coat. He pulled out two needles and placed them on the table. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a walky talky. "Avalon Hudson is almost ready. I placed both the power serum and the commander serum on the table." I tried to break out of the straps once again. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. The more you use your energy the more your powers drain. Resulting in death." He said. "Why are you draining my powers?"

"All apart of the process. If we don't give you that power serum then your going to die. We just need you to have a near death experience." He smiled and walked out.
I was sitting at the kitchen table when Austin walked in. I smiled. "Hi." I said. He pulled my closer to him by my arm and kissed me. "Hi." He said. "Guess what we're doing." He placed both of his hands into mine. "A picnic in the park?" I guessed. He pushed his eyebrows together."How did you know that?" He asked."Super brain." I informed him. He sighed. "Next time I'll play dumb." I kissed him on his cheek causing him to smile. "Let's get going." He said.

"Now?" I raised my eyebrows into the air. "Yes now. Around this house it's better to get things done fast before-" Austin began to say. Chris walked into the kitchen. "Principal Hudson just called. He said Avalon didn't come home last night." He said. "That happens." Austin sighed. "I told him that she slept over here and then I had to listen to a twenty minute lecture on safe sex. As if the first one with mom and dad wasn't bad enough."

"Well what can we do? We have no powers." I said. "Tori does. So does Patience, Austin and PJ." He responded. "Patience has a norwegian head cold, Austin only mastered one power, and do we really need PJ over here? Tori is a wand wielder and she can track down Avalon." I explained. "Not faster than me." PJ turned visible next to Chris causing everyone to jump. "PJ what are you doing here?" Chris asked.

I pushed my eyebrows together. "Wait were you spying on us?" I asked. Austin folded his arms as PJ chuckled. "Oh please. I just got here. I just forgot I was invisible. Ya know, cause I still have powers." She flipped her hair. "Well you can take your powers and shove it up your-" I began to say before Austin cut me off. "Honey let's go on our picnic. We hope you find Avalon." Austin grabbed my hand and we walked out the kitchen.
I sat in my directors chair texting Morgan.

Morgan: Did he ask you out yet?

Me: No why would he? Every time he tries I run off

Morgan: Isn't it obvious bottled blonde? You ask him out

Me: :o first of all my hair is naturally blonde and second of all that's weird. Girls aren't supposed to ask the guy on a date

Morgan: Well whatever you do think fast. He's coming in 3

Morgan: 2

Morgan: 1

"Hey Kat." Tyler said with a smile. "Tyler.. hi." I responded. He reached into his mail cart and pulled out a script I was writing. "You dropped this. Are you really planning on killing Rebecca Harper? She's the fan favorite." He said. "Thanks. I was looking all over for that. I'm still debating if I should do it."

He nodded his head. "Do you wanna go out Saturday night?" We said in unison. I smiled.
PJ and I were in the attic. "So how does your tracking work and how is it better than my wand tracking?" I asked. "Well all I gotta do is think about a person and I know there exact location. We don't have to follow the glow of your wand. All I need is a map and push pins." She said. I walked over to the chest and pulled out the Halliwell's map. I quickly ran downstairs trying to find push pins.

I made my way into the kitchen and checked every cabinet. None. I searched Chris and Mel's room. None. I quickly ran to the backyard and conjured my rock. I rode it to the nearest store and walked inside searching for push pins. "Anything I can help you with?" A man asked. "Yes I need push pins." I responded. "Sorry that woman just bought the last box." The man pointed to a woman walking out the store door.

I quickly caught up with her. "Excuse me ma'am. Can I have one of your push pins?" I asked. "Just one?" She nicely asked. I nodded my head with a smile. "No." She said. "Okay look, I really, really need one. So can you please give it to me!" I said in a demanding tone. "Over my dead body!"

"So what I just have to wait three days?" I asked rudely. Her mouth dropped opened. "You little tramp!" The lady pushed me onto the floor and walked out. I quickly got up to see that she went into a car and pulled off. I made sure nobody was looking before I circled my wand and conjured a rock. I flew high into the sky making sure nobody would see me. I followed the car as it made reckless turns. It finally pulled over to a house. I flew my rock closer to the ground and jumped in front of the old lady. "Give me the push pins!" I demanded. "Make me." The old. women replied. An old man came out of the car.

"Honey a crazy followed me back from the store. Throw me my bag." She said. I pushed my eyebrows together. "Look all I need is one push pin." I said as her husband tossed her a purse. She quickly reached into it and pulled out pepper spray. She tried to spray me but I tripped her with my foot causing her to drop her purse. I picked it up and searched through it trying to find the push pins.

"Found it!" I excitedly said. I began walking away. "Your not going anywhere." The lady grabbed my ankle and bit me. I screamed as I tried to release my leg. I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out my wand. I conjured a rock and attempted to climb on it. I shook my leg getting the lady off if it. I quickly jumped on the rock and flew off. "I'll find you!" The lady shouted.

I landed in the backyard of the manor. I made my way inside and up the stairs. I opened the attic to see PJ sitting on the couch on her phone."I have the push pins!" I said out of breath. "I forgot to tell you I had one in my pocket." She said with a smile as she pulled out a green push pin.

I narrowed my eyes. "Seriously?" I asked. She nodded her head. "Whatever. Let's find Avalon."

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now