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A/N- I apologize for the name "Lucy" In the last chapter. Tori's original name was Lucy and I forgot to change it. Anyways, on with the chapter!


Just when the other masked stranger was about to stab me, he was shot with a magic ice arrow. He sunk to this knees but quickly got up when the magic ice arrow disappeared. A girl came charging at him. She held out her hand and a magic ice rock smashed the masked stranger. He got up but the girl waved her arm and sent him flying into the wall. She walked towards both masked strangers as they slid over to the wall. She went inside of her jacket pocket and pulled out a pink wand. "Mystic Frost!" Her wand glowed a bright pink and freezing cold ice came out of it. They screamed using their voice modifiers. The girl pointed the wand at them and the ice disappeared. The masked strangers limped away. The girl ran off just when Tori and I were getting off the ground. "WHAT'S YOUR NAME?" I shouted as she reached the end of the hall. She turned around. "Diana." She ran off.
"Wait there's another masked stranger and another wand wielder?" Avalon asked. "Duh, are you deaf?" I asked Avalon as she glared at me."She had a wand but I never seen or heard of a pink one before. That girl looked very familiar too." Tori said as she searched through the Book Of Shadows. "We have to find her." I told everyone. "How? We don't know anything but her name." Chris said. "Wait! don't wand wielders feel a connection with each other? If she really is one then you would feel it." Avalon said. "What would I do without you?" Tori said as her and Avalon smiled. "Uh I was just thinking that."

I said as I pushed Avalon aside and took her place next to Tori. She smiled at me as Avalon rolled her eyes. "So all you have to do is follow the connection?" Chris asked. "Come on I'll go with you." Avalon said in a concerned tone as she placed her hand on Tori's shoulder. "No I'll go." I said. "Okay look, this is not about who Tori likes better. This is about helping my best friend. If the masked stranger was to attack, your powers would be useless, I'm a werewolf. I'm stronger, faster, and smarter. Now if you would excuse us." Avalon grabbed Tori's arm and walked out of the attic.

"You what?!" I angrily asked Diana. "I know, I'm sorry. I knew what was about to happen, I couldn't just not do anything." She explained. Adam sighed. She's right. She can't help it." He said. "It's only a matter of time before they find out that they can follow the connection to your wizard power. Then they find us." I said to Adam and Diana. "Relax, your being paranoid." She went behind me and started to rub my shoulders. She waved her hand and a big bed conjured. "Take a nap. You've been through a lot." I looked at the bed then back at her. I haven't slept ever since we came back to this time. "Don't think your off the hook." I climbed in bed. "So she gets a bed and I get the floor?" Wes asked who was sitting on the cave ground. Diana rolled her eyes as she waved her hand and conjured another bed.

I was in the living room of the manor with the sisters. Logan was on his way and he doesn't know about witchcraft."So no magic. Not until I tell him." All four sisters nodded their heads. Chris orbed downstairs and walked into the kitchen. "Okay bad idea." I placed a hand on my head. "Billie, honey everything is going to be fine." Prue sat me down on the couch. "Wyatt! Chris!" Piper called. Wyatt orbed downstairs and Chris walked back into the living room. "No magic in the manor. We have guest. If you wanna use your powers do it in the attic." She told them. "And tell all of your cousins." Phoebe added.

They nodded their heads and orbed out. "See! nothing to worry about. I'll see you guys later I have to go to the school and install new security cameras. Tell Logan I look forward to meeting him later." Paige walked out the front door. An hour past and someone rung the doorbell. "Oh my god he's here." I stood up from the couch and the sisters followed me to the front door. I opened it to see Logan standing there with a smile. He walked further in and kissed me. "Logan this is Prue, Piper, and Phoebe. Paige is busy." Logan pushed his eyebrows together. "I thought you said Prue was dead?" Logan said. Everyone's eyes widened. "Uh when I said dead, I meant dead to the sisters. They all recently made up." I said as the sisters nodded their heads.

"Oh." Logan said with a smile. I love him, but he isn't that bright. He got down and started to rub my stomach as he smiled. "Hi baby." He said. The sisters smiled. Logan got up. "Sweetie let me take your jacket." I said as I took of his jacket. "That's quite a big bruise you got there." Phoebe said referring to the bruise on Logan's right arm. "I got it last week. I was fighting a bear. It wasn't easy." He said with a smile. I patted his back as the sisters stared at him in confusion. "Logan is an explorer. He's been around the entire world." I explained. "come sweetie, let me take you to our room." I walked with him upstairs to the magical door next to Piper and Leo's room. I opened it and it revealed a long hallway with many doors leading to bed rooms. "Woah this house is huge." He said as we walked inside. I smiled. Once we reached the door I turned my attention towards Logan. "There's something I need to tell you and I don't know how your going to react.."

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now