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(Photo- Patience)


It was about twelve pm and I had orbed into PJ's room to tell her how the date went. Sitting on PJ's bed was Patience. "I was expecting you." She said in a sort of dark, scary way. "What are you doing in here? Where's PJ?" I asked. "Maybe I overheard you and PJ talking about what you are going to do to Austin. Maybe when PJ fell asleep I whirled her onto the couch. Maybe I sat here for an hour waiting for you to come here and tell PJ everything that happened. Maybe I'll tell Austin. Maybe I wanna know the details.." She said. I let out a small sigh and rolled my eyes. She was obviously black mailing me. I sat down on PJ's purple chair. "So first at the movie theater I was getting cold. I was going to use my powers to heat up my area but then he gave me his jacket. Then at dinner he ordered for me. He's really perfect. He knows just as much science as I do." I said with a smile. Patience pushed her eyebrows together. "Woah Mel, don't get attached." She said. "I know.." My eyes wondered around the room.



I was sitting in study hall thinking about the riddle. What could it mean? Dominique came over to my table and sat down in the seat across from mine. "Hey I want to apologize for snapping on you the other day." She said. A small smile crept on my face. "It's okay. Did you ever find what you were looking for?" I asked. "Uh yeah. It was a bracelet my grandmother gave me." She lied. Now I knew she's involved. Why lie to me? Her best friend. I got up from my seat. "Class is about to start. We should go." I told her. She smiled and got up.


Isn't life wonderful? My book became a hit and my tv show is a even bigger hit. I'm all over the news. I'm being called the sixteen year old wonder. Channel eleven news is even coming over to my house later on today to interview me. I walked through the alley on my way to school. One of the masked strangers came from behind the dumpster. "Not you again." I said taking a few steps back. "Yes me again." The masked stranger replied. Just when I jumped into my battle stance, a orange glow started to form in front of me. A few seconds later a girl with long light brown hair was standing in front of me facing the masked stranger. "Stand back Blondie. This one is all me." She said. Without hesitation, I quickly got out the way. "I'll show you that i'm not the one to mess with." The girl said. The masked stranger reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a knife. He charged at the girl and threw a jab with the knife. She disappeared in a orange glow and ended up behind him and kicked him in his back. He quickly got up and swung at her again. She quickly grabbed the masked stranger's wrist and took the knife out of his hands. Her hands started glowing a bright blue. She pushed the masked stranger in chest and he went flying into the wall. The other masked stranger was walking up to the girl. "Behind you!" I warned her. She quickly turned around and snapped her fingers sending the other masked stranger to go flying next to the other one. "Thanks." She said to me. She turned back to the masked strangers. "Come after me again and I WILL kill you." She said sweetly. She disappeared in a orange glow. Just when I was about to walk over to the masked strangers to unmask them, someone called out to me. I turned around to see Tamora walking my way. I turned back around to see that the masked strangers were gone.

"She literally came out of nowhere." Kat explained. "Good thing she did. You could be dead right now." I said. The twins and I were walking through the halls. "Any luck on cracking the riddle?" Tamora asked. I sighed. "Nope. It still doesn't make sense." I replied. We walked into study hall and sat at a table. "Let me see the book." Kat said. I reached into my bag and pulled out the Book of Horus. She viewed the first page of the book with the weird looking eyes on it. She pushed her eyebrows together. "I've seen this somewhere before." She said causing me to widened my eyes. "You have? Where?" I asked excitedly. "It's on the tip of my brain. I just can't remember." She responded. "Well we got our first lead. We'll talk about this later to try to get you to remember." I said. They both nodded their heads.

HJ P. O. V
"Please HJ." Kat begged as she followed me into my room. "I'm sorry but no." I responded. "But they want to meet the whole family." She said. "What do you want me to do? I have to go to magic school and grade a butt load of papers." I explained. "Can't you do it later? This interview is very important." She wined. "Kat your all over the news and social media. I'm pretty sure you will get more interviews." I said. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "If you go your the worst brother ever and I'll hate you forever." She said coldly. I sighed. "It didn't work when you were seven and it's not going to work now." I orbed out.


I'm a horrible person. I let all this wand wielder and Cross blood stuff inter fear with my main mission. To make sure that future I saw doesn't happen. Parker can't be one of the masked strangers. Even though Dominique isn't a Cross blood I still know she has something to do with this. I walked into my room to see Alex waiting there. "Hey bro. What are you doing here?" I asked. He stood up with a smile. "Let's do cool stuff with your wand." He said. "Wha- no!" I replied. He pushed his eyebrows together. "Why not?" He asked. "Because even though I can, I try not to use my wand for personal gain." I explained. "Besides, I have a ton of homework to do." I sat down on the bed. He sighed. "Fine. I mean, I could tell everyone about the astral premonition you had." He said causing my eyes to widen. "That's right. I know." He said with a devilish smile. "You wouldn't dare!" I narrowed my eyes. "I wouldn't? Oh Parker!" He shouted. "Okay, okay shut up. We can do cool stuff with my wand. Just don't tell anyone about my premonition." I said. He nodded his head with a smile.

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now