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Wyatt and I were in P3. "I wonder who the masked stranger killer is." I told him. "Me too." He responded. "What if a long time ago the masked murder was sent away by his parents to protect him and when he grew up he became a cop and then his son he gave up for adoption appeared at his front door and-" Wyatt cut me off. "Your thinking of the show Once Upon a Time dumbass." He grabbed his jacket and car keys. "Where you going?" I asked. "I'm going to get a signed contract from the band that's playing tonight." He started walking towards the steps. "When will you be back?" I asked. "Probably an hour. Why?" He asked. "Well when you leave I'm going to discuss reorganizing the underworld with other demons." I responded with a smile. "Funny." He said before walking up the stairs and leaving P3. Three demons simmered in. "Let's get down to business." I told them.

I've been doing an investigation of my own. Well, I haven't gotten that far. What didn't add up was when I tried to orb the masked stranger's crossbow to me. My orbs shot right back at me. I shook of the subject as I wrote into my book. I know killing supernatural's are bad but it does make a good book. "Dude did you see the new principal? She is hot." One guy said to his friend as they walked passed me. I began walking to class. "Kat!" A voice said excitedly behind me. I slowly turned around. "Tell me your not the new principal." I said hoping she would say no. "But I am." Mom replied. Tamora walked up to us. "What are you doing here mom?" She said embarrassed. "She's the new principal." I responded. "Oh no." Tamora said. "Oh yes." She pulled both of us close to her. "Isn't this great. Now I get to see my babies all day." She said excitedly.

I looked at the mirror in my locker and fixed my hair. I closed the locker and looked at Avalon who was texting on her phone. "Hi." I said causing her to look up. "Hey." She said with a smile. I leaned against the lockers. "So I was wondering if you would want to go to homecoming.. you know as one." I said nervously. "You mean together?" She asked. "Yeah." I replied. She started to blush. "Sure." She said with a smile. She walked away. A huge smile appeared on my face.
HJ P. O. V

Tracy sat at a lunch table alone. I walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek. I sat down next to her. "So I've been doing some research on this whole magic thing, on what I might be." She told me. She pulled out a notepad from her book bag. "I have no memories of my mother. My dad said she died in a fire. He always said she was short. So I looked in the Book of Shadows and-" I cut her off in the middle of all her talking. "Wait, you went to the manor?" I asked. "Yeah. Your aunt Piper let me in." She replied. "Why didn't you tell me? I would of helped."

"I didn't want to distract you from your competition." I cocked an eyebrow. "What competition?" I asked. "The competition to keep your powers." She responded. "Tracy what are you talking about?" I asked confused. "That's how it happened in Wizards of Waverley Place." I chuckled. "Number one, I'm not a wizard I'm a witch. Number two, everything you know about magic is a lie. Number three, I'm here to help you figure all of this out." I moved a strain of her light brown hair behind her ear. "I know but I moved around a lot so I'm usually use to working alone." She responded. I held her hand. "Your not working alone anymore. You have me." She smiled. "Now what did you find?" I asked.
"I could possibly be a Elf, Leprechaun or Nome." She replied. My eyes slightly widened. "Well whatever you are, you have abilities." I told her. Her eyebrows lifted in the air. "Really?" She asked. "Oh yeah. All supernaturals have some sort of ability." I explained. She put her notepad back into her bag. "Enough with all this witch talk, let's talk about tonight." She said to me. I cocked an eyebrow. "Tonight?" I asked confused. "Home coming duh." She said with a smile.

I had a skeptical look on my face. "Come on it can be fun. Dancing, mingling." She stood up and wrapped her arms around me from behind. "Then afterwards we can go back to your house." She said in a seductive tone. "Hi guys." I heard a familiar voice say behind me. "Mrs. Matthews." Tracy said in a cheery voice. "Please, call me Paige sweetie." She placed a hand on Tracy's shoulder. "Any luck on finding out what you are?" Mom asked. "Barley." Tracy sighed.

"Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough." I told her.

A demon ran away from me as I started to chase it. I cornered it in a ally. "I know all about you." He said. "Oh really?" I asked. "Your the Halliwell who uses her powers instead of her fist." I chuckled as I placed a hand on my forehead and closed my eyes. "Okay I'll make you a deal." I opened my eyes and removed my hand from my forehead."You can use all the powers you want and I won't use any." I said to the demon. A large smirk appeared on his face as he conjured a fire ball. He threw it towards me and it came full speed at me. I did a back flip causing the fire ball to go right under me. I landed on my feet. I charged at the demon with my hand ready to punch him but he blocked it with his hand. He swung at me with his free hand. I was too fast. I ducked and punched him in the stomach causing him to stumble back a little. I did a cartwheel kicking the demon in his face making him fall on the floor. I placed one foot on his chest. "Tell me everything you know about the supernatural hunter." I demanded. "I know he's killing witches, demons, and everything else magical." The demon said in a shaky tone. This demon was useless. He was telling me everything I knew already. "Thanks." I said with a smile. I flicked my hands and the demon turned into lava. I flipped my hair and walked out the ally.

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now