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(Photo- PJ)

PJ P. O. V

We had no leads to the killer. The crime scene we checked out yesterday was just like all the rest. No finger prints, no evidence, nothing. Whoever the killer is must really know what there doing. I walked down the hall as three girls followed. As school president, it's my job to set up for the home coming dance. I held my clipboard as I handed papers to each girl. "Now I know homecoming at Pathways high has always been terrible, but now as president I intend to change that. Now Amy I want you in charge of decorations, Elizabeth I want you in charge of music, and Samantha I want you in charge of food." I told them. "What are you in charge of?" One of the girls asked. "I'm in charge of telling people what to do." We all were on our way to some school meeting. We walked into the auditorium and took our seats.

Principal Pots went onto the stage as she tapped the microphone. "Now I know a lot of people have been asking about the incident that happened to one of our students. Chase Hamilton simply fell down the basement stairs. I assure you that there is no killer and Pathways high is safe for all students to attend. So for all of you kids who keep making these narcissistic Facebook post about Chase Hamilton, you need to stop. Anyone care to comment?" One member of the football team raised his hand. "Football douche after school your picking bread crumbs out of the librarian Mr. Blapoop's beard, with your teeth." She said. "Anyone else?" She asked. Nobody raised their hands. "Before I dismiss you, I want to let you all know that in the near by future, you will all become homeless people who have to start doing very inappropriate things for money. Then you all would eventually die from sexually transmitted disease ." She said with a smile. "Good day." She walked off the stage as everyone started to exit. "Oh Prue, Prue Halliwell!" Principal Pots said causing me to stop in my tracks and turn towards her.

"Yes principal Pots?" I asked in a fake sweet tone. "I just wanted to see how the dance is coming along and.." She stopped for a quick second. "I'm sorry I actually don't give a crap about the dance. Let me just cut to the chase, which means Chase's mother was murdered." She told me. I pushed my eyebrows together. "Why would I wanna know?" "Well you and your sisters were the last to see her. The only question is why?" She asked suspiciously. "Well, Melinda knew Chase and his mother and she wanted us to pay her respects since she was busy." I lied. "Oh." She replied. "Wait, how did you know my sister's and I went to Chase's mothers house?" A slow smile crept on her face. "I better get going." She walked away now with a full smile.

Dominique and I walked down the hall as we discussed the recent killing. "My cousin actually knew him." I informed her. "I'm so sorry for her." She replied. "What do you mean?" I asked out of confusion. "He was always mean to me. He would knock my lunch tray out of my hands and yank my hair. Sometimes, I think whoever is killing all these people is doing it for a much bigger cause." She explained. "Domo nobody deserves to get killed." I told her straight. Her eyes wondered. "I know.." she suspiciously said as we walked into class.

"Why do you want me to teach you to fight again?" PJ asked as we stood in the basement. "Because of of the 3 p's, your the best fighter and I don't wanna be known for just relying on my powers." I replied as I threw her a custom made magic sword that Alex made. "Remember that has your premonition power. Whoever you point it at would get stunned with past memories." I reminded her as I picked up my combustion sword. I walked over to the steps and picked up two potion vials. "I managed to create a potion where we become invincible for a couple of hours. We still feel pain but it won't be real pain." She looked down at her sword. "Mel I don't want to do this. Your my favorite cousin." She said. "Don't get soft on me. Your doing it." She shook her head as she held out her sword.

I held my sword in the air as I charged at her. She quickly did a flip behind me and pointed her sword at me causing me to sink to my knees. I screamed in pain. "Lesson number one, defense." She still held her sword pointed at me as my brain felt like it was melting. "Always hold your weapon close to your body. If you hold it in the air then your not going to be able to block incoming attacks." She told me. She stopped pointed the sword at me as I got up. I held the sword closer to me. "Ready?" She asked. I shook my head. She spin kicked my sword out of my hands."Always have a tight grip." I picked up my sword. "Ready?" She asked once again. Before I can answer she swung her sword at me. I quickly blocked it with my sword. "Good." She turned around with her sword and swung at me again. I quickly blocked it once again. "Quick learner. Now let's work on attack." She backed up. She charged at me as I quickly blocked her attack. I swung at her but PJ bended backwards and then kicked me in my side causing me to drop to the floor. I got back up and charged at her again.
HJ P. O. V

I worked on my latest robot for robotics class. "Excuse me." I heard a voice say behind me coming from the door. I turned around. "Nursing club is down the hall." I informed her. She giggled. "No I want to sign up for robotics. Are you the president?" She asked nicely. "Um.. yeah. You want to sign up for robotics?" I asked sounding a bit skeptical. "Yup." She said popping the p. She walked further into the classroom. "In my old school my team made it to the robotics Lego leauge championships in Manhattan." She told me as a smile crept on my face. "What's your name?" I asked feeling a connection towards her. "I'm Tracy."

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now