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The sisters had called team Suroh and I to the manor to talk.

All four of us sat tightly on the couch in the living room as they stood standing in front of us.

"We know about the quest." Aunt Prue said bluntly.

"And now we know you guys are doing it to save Chris and Patience who are poisoned or something." Aunt Paige added

"So we wanna help." Mom smiled.

"We just have one question. Who is team Evil?" Aunt Piper asked confused. 

Team Suroh and I looked at each other. ================================================================================================  


PJ, Avalon, Justin, and I were in the attic. 

"Wait your dating one of the masked strangers?" Justin asked before chucking . 

He obviously couldn't see that I was hurting. PJ waved her hand and made Justin slap himself causing Avalon to chuckle. She then pulled out her phone. "Crap I totally forgot about training today. Justin can you pick up my beta Lily for me?" She asked. 

He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wand. He circled it around and water teleported out. 

PJ and I pushed our eyebrows together. "Beta as in Wolf. Werewolf?!" PJ's eyes widened. 

"You turned Lily into a Werewolf?!" I asked angrily.

She nodded her head with a smile. "Yeah." She simply said.

Patience and I looked at each other then back at Avalon. "Okay." we both shrugged our shoulders. 

A few moments later Justin water teleported in with Lily. His face had been all clawed up. 

"Justin what happened?" Avalon asked. 

"Your beta attacked me that's what happened!"

"Sorry." Lily bit her lip. "I thought he was a demon." She explained. 

"Oh come on Justin. It's not her fault. She's new to the magic community. Give her a break." Avalon said.

"Your just lucky I can use my wand to heal." He sat down on the couch.

"Oh speaking of wands.. I called Tori over." I said causing Avalon's eyes to widen. 

"WHAT?!? WHY?" She asked.

"If we're going to beat the Mick and the other masked stranger then we are going  to have to learn how to use our wand attacks. Like it or not Tori is the only one who can help us." I responded. 

Avalon sighed as Lily pushed her eyebrows together. "Wait who is Tori?"

"She was your Alpha's best friend until she stole her boyfriend." PJ said.

"I DID NOT STEAL- okay you know what? I don't wanna be in here when she comes. Come on Lily lets train in the backyard." She said.

Avalon and Lily walked out. ================================================================================================  


"So is everyone clear on the plan?" Aunt Prue asked. 

We all nodded our heads causing the sisters to walk into the kitchen. 

CHARMED: THE NEXT GENERATION (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now