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It was him again. Dauntless boy Uriah.

I gave him a half-hearted nod and returned my attention back to the doors of the room where the test was done. I felt him sit down on the space next to me. Inwardly, I frowned.

Did he think we were friends?

"You nervous?" He spoke up once again, earning a shrug from me. 

I wasn't nervous. A little apprehensive, yes, but not nervous. I remember Tobias saying that the test would pass like a bullet train. You won't even remember experiencing it.

I took the time to fiddle with my mother's cloth. Whatever my result was, I wouldn't be staying in Abnegation, nor am I transferring to Amity. Both seemed too alike, too boring, too monotonous, for my liking.

I wanted something new. Something like Tobias found in Dauntless.

"Charlotte Eaton."

My ears rang at the mention of my name. Immediately, I stood up and dusted my clothes. Uriah looked at me as I walked towards the room.

"Good luck," Came out from his lips. His words gave me a little boost of confidence as I stepped inside the testing room.

* * * 

The man looked confused when he read my result.

"What is it?" I asked, barely containing my curiosity, "Is there something wrong?"

"Hmm." His hand was scratching his head. I was suddenly scared for his answer. "Your results are... unusual."

He stood up and showed me the paper. The five factions were printed on it, along with the statistics of my actions in the sim. My blood ran cold.

"All five?" I mumbled in shock, eyes gong wide, "Is that possible?"

"No." The administrator spoke in a hushed tone, he was whispering in a way that sent a chill down my spine. "The test didn't know which faction suited you, so it gave you all five. Inconclusive."

I stood, almost stumbling, as I tried to find my way out. He was wearing a worried expression that implied he was deciding on something big. Before I went out the door, we connected eyes, and he muttered, "Don't tell anyone, you hear me?"

That night, my results appeared on my nightmares.

* * *

My hands were shaking so bad that Marcus glared at me. I willed them to stay put, focusing on my ratty old cloth.

Today was the Choosing Ceremony. Today was the day I would leave Marcus. 

We arrived at the Hub earlier than I expected. I made sure I was behind Marcus the whole time until we were seated. My nerves were all over the place.

When the Ceremony began, my hands continued to furiously fiddle with my mother's cloth. It was a good thing that Marcus stayed in his office last night. He didn't get any chance to ask about my result, nor did he get any chance for a last minute beating.

The people being called all had family names starting with D.

I took a deep, shaky breath. It was now or never. I'd be free from Marcus at last.

"Eaton, Charlotte."

My posture is rigid as I walked towards the middle of the enormous room. It was obvious that I was fidgeting. I received the knife from Jeanine Matthews, attracted to the way the cutlery gleamed against the harsh, bright lights. 

I looked back at Marcus, giving him a last look of defiance. Almost robotically, I dragged the knife across my palm, watching the blood seep through the cut and land on the coals of Dauntless.

I saw Marcus getting red in the face. I knew he was hoping I would change my mind. Well, I didn't. Serves him right.

I looked forward and saw Uriah among the Dauntless crowd. He was clapping and hooting and cheering like I was a close friend.

A smile overtook my face. I guess I was.

* * * 

I didn't let Marcus go near me after the ceremony.

Uriah walked over to me like a moth to a flame. I welcomed his hug, albeit I was standing like a statue as he placed his arms around me.

My face was burning. I wasn't used to any form of contact. Abnegation wasn't big on the thought of touching body parts.

"I didn't think you'd transfer to Dauntless." He said, smiling.

I gave him a small smile in return, "Neither did I."

We walked towards the exit together. For once, I did not feel uncomfortable having someone walking beside me, not even as our arms brushed lightly.

Freedom felt good.

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