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"I-uh, I got Abnegation." I stuttered out slightly as Eric gave me a calculated stare.

"Don't lie to me. What were your test results?" I can almost hear the hidden warning in his tone.

I swallowed, my hair sticking into my neck because of the slight perspiration that gathered in it. I stayed silent.

Eric growled at me, "Charlotte, what were your fúcking test results?"

I closed my eyes, tears were wanting to come out. I bit my lip so hard that it drew out blood.

"I got Abnegation."

"Tell me the fúcking truth, initiate."

"...And Amity and Dauntless." I ended with a sob. "You're going to kíll me, aren't you? Because I'm Divergent?" I asked him, even though I already knew the answer.

Eric was silent, so I shakily continued, "I didn't choose this. I didn't want this. I didn't plan to be different, abnormal."

I sat on the cushioned chair, my body shaking as I gave out soft cries. He had no choice, I was a threat to the system. I knew he had to dispose of me.

I was waiting for the click of his gun, the feeling of its' cold tip pressed against my head.

But it never came.

Instead, I felt Eric's large arms wrap around me like a vine. He lifted me up and placed me on his lap, guiding my head to take cover in the crook of his neck.

I continued sobbing and croaked out, "If you're doing this so that I may have a comfortable way of dying, please stop. Just get it over with."

"Shh, Lottie. I'm not going to kíll you. That's fúcking out of the question. I won't harm you, I promise." He cooed softly into my ear as he stroked my hair.

And after he said those words, I knew he will keep his promise. Always.


"Alright, initiates. Today is the first day of the second stage of initiation. The Stage two will deal anything that involves you, your mind, and your fears. You will learn how to control and face them, just like a true Dauntless member. Follow me."

We all trailed behind Four silently, some of us eager and some of us scared to try out a new set of training. We stopped on the same room where I was quite familiar already.

I heard some of the initiates call it The Fright Zone, I couldn't agree more.

We sat down on the metal chairs that were pressed on the wall, its coldness seeping through out dark clothes.

"If I call your name, follow me," Four looked into a small folder he was holding and called out, "Tris."

I almost scoffed. Go figure.

Tris walked towards him and together, they both went inside the simulation room. I gritted my teeth and looked down. It wasn't a nice feeling, having your brother prefer another girl above you.

It hurt.


I gasped out for air as I resurfaced from my simulation. The harshness of Marcus' whip was still felt on my back, even though I knew it wasn't real.

Four turned to me with an all too well familiar emotion in his eye. Pity.

He sat on the chair next to me, but before he could say something, I was already walking towards the door.

"Charlotte, wait." I ignored him. "Get back here, initiate. Final warning."

I stopped in my tracks and slowly went back on the chair. Four frowned at me.

"How did you know it wasn't real?" He asked.

I blew out an exasperated breath, "I just knew, okay? I can't explain it, sure it felt real, but somehow, I knew it wasn't."

Four locked his eyes into my own, "What were your test results during your Aptitude Test?"

I stiffened, was he going to kíll me? Eric didn't, so maybe he won't, too. Right? He was my brother, but that didn't mean he won't hesitate to end my life, especially now that we were not exactly on good terms.

I bit my lip, feeling the wound I caused a while ago. "I got our home faction."

He narrowed his eyes, "I know you're lying. Tell me the truth."

I looked away and busied myself by focusing on my fingers. "That's the truth." I said pathetically.

"Tell me the truth, Charlotte. This will stay between us."

I looked back at him and scanned his eyes, making sure that he was not playing with me. His eyes showed that he was honest.

I gave a shaky breath and finally uttered, "I also had Amity and Dauntless."

He pursed his lips after I said that, and after a few seconds, he widened his eyes and looked at me with a panicked gaze.

"You were practicing with Eric, weren't you?" He asked hurriedly.

I hesitantly nodded. "Shít, shít, shít. We're dead, literally." He muttered while running his hand through his hair.

"Why? Is Eric going to do something?" I asked him.

"He's going to do more than something if he knows. Fúck, please don't tell me he knows."

I gave him a confused look. "Yes, he knows. Why, is that bad?"

Four groaned and glared at me, "I told you not to train with him. Shít, you're going to wake up in the Chasm, Charlotte. "He laughed coldly, "Héll, you won't even be awake."

I frowned at him, "He's not going to hurt me, Four."

He slightly flinched at the name I used to call him. "He's a fúcking leader, Charlotte. He's going to kíll you because he's dedicated to the fúcking system like an obedient lap dog." He sneered.

"You're not safe with him. Cut all ties you have with that bastard and avoid him as good as you can. I'll help by keeping an eye on him—"

"Stop, Four." I interrupted him. "I don't need your help. And he's not going to hurt me, so stop fúcking worrying."

He glared at me, "Don't come knocking on my door when you finally realise that he's exactly what I told you he is."

I walked out of the room as fast as I could.  

Eric wouldn't hurt me. He promised. 

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