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"Here," Eric handed me a plate full of food as I sat down on one of the benches in the cafeteria. I carefully scanned the plate, making weird faces at the food.

"What's this?" I asked Eric as I lifted up a green mush with my spoon, slightly curling my lips in disgust.

He took a bite from a sandwich before answering, "That's a salad. Why, you've never had them before?"

I shook my head immediately, "No. It looks like... someone vomited it."

Eric laughed loudly, earning the stares from the other Dauntless members who were seated near us. He made them go back to their own business with a swift glare to their direction. He cleared his throat before handing me another plate.

"Take this. I guess you could use some treat."

I smiled when I saw the chocolaty cake on the plate, my stomach grumbling at the sight. I got it out from Eric's grasp and placed it on the table in front of me. Lifting up my spoon, I used it to scoop the yummy goodness.

Eric raised an eyebrow at the sound of pleasure I made after taking a bite of the Dauntless treat. I blushed and placed the spoon down. "What?" I asked while wiping my lips with my hand.

He chewed on his sandwich before giving me a cold bottle of water, "Drink this. It's getting hot  in here, don't you think?"

I took it and stared forward so that I could avoid his smirk. "I think that's just you, Eric."

I felt him move closer to me, his breath fanning against my ear, "Just me? I don't think so, Lottie."

"What the hell are you doing?" I stopped my squirming and looked up to see my brother.

Eric sighed and said to Four with a bored voice, "What do you want, Four?"

Four clenched his fists and looked at Eric with a glare, "Stay away from her, Coulter—"

"Ooh, last name." Eric smirked at Four's ticked off expression, "I think I'm in trouble, aren't I?"

Four swung his arms at Eric, hitting his jaw successfully. I stood up from the bench and immediately tried to pull him away from Eric. My body protested at my actions, my legs started cramping and my stomach began to clench. I hissed in pain but ignored it and continued to tug on my brother.

"Four! Damn it, get away from him!" I snapped.

My brother turned to look at me and roughly pushed me away. My weakened body couldn't handle the force of his push, causing me to stumble back and bump on the edge of a bench. I groaned in pain and brought a hand up to my head. Everything started to spin when I saw the blood coating my fingers.

"You fúcking arsehole," I heard someone seethe before sounds of flesh hitting against another flesh echoed all around me, "She just survived from a fúcking hundred feet fall, and now you want to fúcking bash her head?"

"Somebody call Max!"

"Charlie's passed out! She's bleeding!"

"Stop the two of them! Charles is fúcking bleeding!"

"Fucking Four," I heard a snarl, "I'll beat the shit out of him." I felt hands start to lift me up before I lost consciousness completely.


Hey, Guys!

Sorry for the short chapter, I'm quite busy :/ Hope you liked it, though! 😊

Devious | Eric Coulter Where stories live. Discover now