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T H I R D   P E R S O N

"Move!" Four shouted to both Tris and Charlotte as Dauntless members swarmed them from every direction.

Tris had her gun up and was shooting people swiftly, while Charlotte was exchanging punches with a Dauntless woman.

There's too much of them, Charlotte thought as she sent a kick on one of the men.

In his peripheral vision, Four saw Tris fighting with a man hand to hand, and she failed to see the man behind her who was pointing his gun at her direction, ready to shoot.

Panicked, Four pushed off the man he was fighting with and went to help Tris, but the second he whirled around, he saw that his sister was in danger, too. A woman had her gun aimed at Charlotte, who was busy battling a man twice her size.

Shít, Four thought as he momentarily halted his movements.

The two important things in his life were about to get shot. Only one question rang through his head.

Who should he save?

With guilt eating up his mind, he went to Tris and pushed her to the side just in time the man behind her pressed the trigger of his gun. Four didn't have time to be relieved, a cry of pain sounded through the entire battlefield.

Charlotte was shot.

The brunette dropped on the ground, her left hand holding her bleeding stomach tightly. She was whimpering and gasping for breath as she laid on the floor.

Quickly, Four pushed through the men and went to aid Charlotte. His steps were quick and determined, that is until three armed men approached him.

The men came to Four, and he did everything he could to fight them off. One had backed down, as Four had sent a powerful kick to his stomach, but the two kept a firm hold on him and shot him with a tranquilizer gun.

The brown haired man dropped in their arms, and the last thing he saw was his sister lying on the floor and Tris struggling to fight with a Dauntless member before he slipped into darkness.

Tris cried out in frustration as she saw Four being carried away, her entire body was aching and she wasn't sure if she could still fight. On the side, she could see Charlotte panting for breath, her clothes a bloodied mess.

Tris almost let the tears fall from her eyes fall. They couldn't do it, not without Four.

"Beatrice!" A woman shouted, causing Tris to look up and search for the source of her name. 

The worn out face of a woman in grey gave a spark of hope inside her. "Mom!"

The Abnegation woman swiftly closed the distance between them, shooting left and right in the process. When she reached her daughter, she enveloped her in a quick embrace before pulling her to another direction.

"Come, we need to go--"

"Mom, wait." Tris stopped her mother and walked to the bleeding Charlotte, "We can't leave her."

Her mom nodded hastily and helped Tris pull Charlotte from the floor. "We need to move, now."

The three of them walked quickly, pulling the dazed Eaton with them. Tris shot a woman on the leg to stop her from getting to them, and her mother, Natalie, sent her a nod of approval. The Priors quickened their steps until they came to a clearing that was safe enough to put Charlotte down.

Tris and Natalie huddled against a small corner that gave them protection from the Dauntless army, shooting another group of Dauntless members as they came barreling towards them. Bullets blazed from left to right, and without Natalie noticing, a bullet had lodged itself against her side.

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