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Chapter is dedicated to grimeswoman, KimberlyRicker and EricIsDaBomb, thank you guys for the support 😍.

"Hey, Charles? You coming?"

I tore my gaze away from the floor to Peter and nodded numbly. "Yeah. I'll... catch up. You can go ahead."

With one last look of reluctance, Peter finally left with Drew and Molly, leaving me alone in the initiates' quarters. After I heard them walk away with the rest of the initiates, I sighed and started walking towards the corner of the room where a shiny, reflective surface was located. 

I can do this. It's just a surface... a surface where I can see my ugly reflection.

I took a deep breath and finally looked at the mirror.

My eyes zeroed on my right cheek, the skin had a disgusting discoloration of black, blue and violet. I grimaced at the sight. He hit me that hard?

I continued to scan my cheek until the sound of boots hitting the floor disturbed me.

"Lottie? Why are you still here? Dinner is starting."

I looked down on the floor and played with my fingers. "I'm not hungry."

I heard Eric approach me, his footsteps echoing in the empty room. When he reached me, he placed his hands on my shoulders and turned me around so that I was facing him.

"Bullshít. I can hear your stomach rumbling—"

As if on cue, my stomach growled loudly. I blushed and placed a hand over it. Eric chuckled, smiling because he was right.

"See? Come on, let's go to the cafeteria."

Eric gripped my arm and started to pull me towards the direction of the cafeteria. We walked in silence, and his hand had somehow found its way on my lower back. I tried shrugging his arm off, but he didn't let go.

We finally reached the cafeteria, and as soon as we entered, all pairs of eyes were centered on us. I forced Eric's hand away from my back and pushed him in front of me. I trailed behind him, thankful that his huge physique was blocking many—although not all—unwanted stares from other Dauntless members.

Eric guided the way to where he usually sat alone, and shoved me to the seat next to him. He started digging into the food in front of him, not minding the stares he was getting from the people around him. Not that I can blame him, he was probably used to them already, being the youngest leader of Dauntless.

I looked away and stared at the food in front of me. I was hungry, but my mouth didn't feel like chewing something.

I sighed and pushed the plate in front of me away, clearing some space so that I could place my elbow on top of the table and lean on my hand. On my movement, Eric stopped shoving food into his mouth and turned to look at me. When he saw my position, he frowned.

"Why aren't you eating?"

I didn't reply and leaned into my hand more. I heard Eric sigh beside me. I heard some rustling before hands settled themselves on my shoulder and sat me upright.

I glared at Eric. "I'm not hungry."

He rolled his eyes. "I'm not going to respond to that complete and utter bullshít again,"

I looked away from him and struggled in his hold. "I'm going to my room, trust me, I'm full."

I made a move to stand, but before I could, Eric shoved me back into the bench. He grabbed my chin forcefully and turned my head towards him. He sighed at the sight of tears on my eyes.

"Lottie. Lottie, listen to me," I kept on trashing against his hold, but he kept a firm hold on my chin.

"Stop fúcking struggling." I stopped moving at the sound of his growl.

Eric sighed heavily and whispered, "Lottie. Lottie, hey. Look at me,"

I sniffed and looked at him, my vision blurred by my tears.

"He's gone. He can't hurt you anymore, alright? I'll beat the shít out of him if I see him again, I swear."

I nodded shakily at him. He's gone. Eric took care of him. He's gone. He can't hurt me.

Eric pulled me towards his chest, and I took the opportunity to bury my face into his black shirt. He stroked my hair as I cried softly. When my sobs quieted down, I pulled away from him. 

Eric gave me a small smile, and I heard the people around us start whispering amongst themselves. I ignored their hushed gossip and pulled my plate back towards me. Reaching out, I took a hold of my spoon and started scooping some food.


"We will still do our training tomorrow, don't forget. And this time, I'll make sure to wake you up an hour before Four wakes you up," Eric said with a teasing tone. We were back in the roof where he took me a while ago. The wind was fortunately calm this time.

I gave him a small smile. "You better, but I'm not sure I can complete my fear simulation without you pulling me out every after a fear."

He patted my head, "You'll do fine."

We sat in silence until it was finally time for us to go to our separate ways. As Eric pulled me to my feet, I decided that I needed some time alone.

"Um, Eric? I... want to stay here for a while longer, if that's okay with you."

Eric gave me an understanding nod, "Yeah, sure. I'll go ahead. Make sure not to stay up here for too long. Goodnight, Lottie."

With those, he turned and walked away. When he disappeared from my view, I sat back down on the edge of the building.

I sat there silently, my eyes scanning the sight before me. It was peaceful. I closed my eyes and just relaxed as the wind blew around me.


Opening my eyes in surprise, I looked back and saw the eyes of my brother. I broke eye contact quickly and stared at my dangling feet.

I heard Four sigh and walk towards me.

"Are you alright?"

His statement confused me, so I looked at him, puzzled. "What did you say?"

He rolled his eyes. "I know what happened... I saw him hurt you and—"

"Wait," I interrupted him, "You saw Marcus hit me?"

I got my answer from his silence.

"You saw him hit me and you didn't even try to help me?—"I trailed off, feeling the tears coming back . Stop being a crybaby, Charlie. I took a deep breath and did the rational thing to do, I started walking away from him. That way, he won't face my verbal spits.

"Wait, Charlotte." I heard him call out.

I ignored him and walked away, not once turning back.

He saw Marcus hit me, and he didn't even bother to help.

I laughed humorlessly, what a brother he was.

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