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I was the only person left with him on the rooftop.

My hands were shaking so badly it looked like I was having a seizure. He was right behind me, his chest pressed against my back. The scariest thing was that his hands were still on my waist.

I gulped, trying to free myself from his hold, "Please, sir. I-I'm sorry, I won't do it again. Let me go, p-please--"

I was sure he was glaring at me heatedly. The pressure I literally felt on the back of my head was enough evidence. His hands tightened for a fraction of a second before he finally let me go.

Stumbling forward, I moved away from him and instinctively clutched my middle. It was hurting, his hold was too tight, too suffocating. 

I looked down, letting silence do the talking. Before long, I heard footsteps coming towards me. I immediately braced myself for the man's intimidating voice to cloud my thoughts again.

I almost jumped out of my own skin when he finally spoke, "Are you gonna jump down, or will I have to push you?"

That quickly made me back away. I was scared of heights, but if I had to choose between jumping from a 100-feet building or spending more time with the brute, I definitely would choose the former.

The stare he was giving me was way too intense, way too electrifying, making me continue moving away from him. But, me being my careless self, my feet hit the ledge and caused me to fall backwards. As I desperately tried to grab anything to keep me from falling, the man's voice echoed and rang in my ears, his eyes still locked in mine.

"A surprise is waiting for you down there, Abnegation. Be ready for it."

And I fell.

My mouth released a scream so loud my own ears rang. The wind whipped around my bruised body, and I felt tears coming out of my eyes. It felt ages before I felt something elastic from below me, and I almost screamed again when I bounced back up.

I clutched my torso tightly, feeling like something inside me was moving. I tried to control my erratic breathing, trying to comprehend what just happened.

"I jumped," I muttered, "No, no. I fell, and I survived. I survived! Oh shit, I'm alive. I landed on a bloody net, and I lived. Fuck."

Just then, amidst my crazy rambling, hands settled themselves on my waist and pulled me down from the net. "Name?"

I looked up to see a girl with red streaks on her black hair. She was chewing  a gum obnoxiously, and it was enough to calm me and my senseless muttering. People who chewed gum loudly were part of my pet peeves. I hated the sound coming off from the action.

"What's your name?"

I ignored how bored she sounded and told her my name, the moniker my mom gave me, one of my last memories of her. "Charlie. My name is Charlie."

"Hmm, isn't that a boy's name?" She asked, and all I could do was clench my fist in reply. She hummed, popped her gum, and called out, "Last jumper, Charlie!"

I walked, still clutching my aching middle, and stood behind the other initiates. 

"Dauntless-borns, go with Lauren and Avila. Those from other factions, stay." My ears perked up at the voice. I knew that voice. Immediately, I looked around and tried to locate where it came from, but being five foot three at 18 prevented me from doing so.

I was physically challenged. Must have gotten it from Mom.

"My name is Four and I will be training you for your initiation. Eric, the man from the rooftop, will be seeing over your training as well."

My ears burned as the unknown voice spoke. It was very familiar, and it sparked something from within me that made me want to see who the owner was. Determined, I stalked forward, not caring if I bumped shoulders or brushed elbows with the rest of the initiates. 

I was filled with surprise when I finally reached the front row, my eyes immediately connecting to those of brown ones. I moved even closer, tears stinging my eyes. Six years. I hadn't seen him for six damn years.

What a surprise, indeed. I didn't expect to meet him this early. I thought I would have to scour every corner of this compound to see him.

"Tobias." I greeted him, stepping forward, my eyes watering like broken faucets, "Tobias, I--"

"Charlotte?" If he was shocked, his voice did not give it away. It was blank, void of any emotion.

I was crying now. "Tobias, I--" My stomach burned, and I coughed. When I pulled my hand back after wiping my mouth, I see red painted on my hands. Blood. Giggling, I smiled like Marcus did whenever he's drunk.

"Huh," I said, feeling the world spin around me, "I coughed blood. Funny."

I fainted.

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