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Republished as some parts were missing.


"Your brother sent me."

I couldn't believe his words. How could I? He almost threw me off the rooftop without any remorse or hesitation. I was dying to claw his eyes out for doing that to me.

"Why?" I answered Eric, still keeping the sneer on my face, "He doesn't like you."

Eric smiled, and it looked so true it almost made me feel guilty for treating him that way. It was in that smile and in that moment, that I realized he was a big manipulator. His smile was definitely one of his greatest weapons.

"The black eye I gave him three days ago isn't healing well." He stated, and I suddenly had a flashback of him punching Tobias. My hands fisted my hospital gown. "Anyway, he sent me to tell you about your current situation."

I highly doubted that my brother sent him. He must have forced him to do so.

Eric moved to sit on the bed, staying inches from me. I backed away immediately, taking note of the warmth he emitted the moment he was near me. 

Damn, did this man have a furnace built inside him? It was like he was giving off harmful radiation.

"He and I convinced the other leaders to move the initiation." He started and looked at me with such intense eyes; eyes that made me feel like he was trying to burn a hole through my head. "Initiation officially starts tomorrow."

"What did the other initiates do while waiting?" I asked, nervously fiddling with my fingers. I badly needed my mother's cloth to calm me right now. The thought of being a burden to others didn't sit well with me. 

"They worked in small offices, some helped in the kitchen and armory." I breathe out heavily, looking at the ceiling like it was a piece of art. It wasn't, not really, because it was a plain white ceiling. It reminded me of life in Abnegation. Boring.

But, it gave me an excuse to not stare at Eric and his ridiculously large biceps, so it was good enough. 

"You're getting discharged today," He continued, and suddenly I was scared. I could literally feel his eyes travelling all over my face, looking at every dishevelled feature, "Your rib is all healed up thanks to Erudite's serum."

I let a beat pass before I spoke again, "Do I get spare clothes when I get out of here?"

I felt shuffling on the edge of my feet. Disturbed, I looked down and stared at Eric, my mouth letting out a scream when I saw him taking his shirt off. I was starting to hyperventilate. My body was literally scurrying away from him like I was a squirrel.

"What are you doing?" I all but yelled, shutting my eyes so I wouldn't have to see his abs, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Do you want to stay in your hospital gown?" He asked, and I swear I almost passed out when he forced my chin towards him, forced my eyes to open. His hands brushed against mine as he passed me his shirt, "You're welcome."

He moved away and crossed his arms against his chest. It only accentuated his biceps. Fuck.

I've never seen someone with that kind of body shirtless. Hell, I've never seen any boy shirtless, not even Tobias. My reaction was understandable.

"I'll send someone to take those off you," He gestured to the wires attached to me, "I'll be signing your papers outside. You should change into my shirt before I come back, unless you want to have me watching when you do so."

Devious | Eric Coulter Where stories live. Discover now