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"Four told me a lot about you."

I almost froze when he placed his hand on my back, tugging and pulling on my shirt, giving gentle rubs and pats. Like any decent human would do, I moved away from him and his touch, almost recoiling in fear.

What was he doing? He was too close and he knew it bothered me, especially with the incident in his apartment. Was he going to ignore what had happened?

I could see his eyes twitch at my movements, but who cared if he was annoyed? I certainly didn't, I wanted nothing to do with this man.

"I guess that means he changed his name?" I responded hesitantly, trying to divert the topic from myself.

He looked pleased that I answered him, and that, in return, pleased me as well. Annoyed Eric would probably turn to Angry Eric, and I didn't want to see that side of him. 

Rolling his shoulders, he continued his brusque walk down the narrow corridor. "He insisted."

I didn't know what to say next, so I opted to be silent, running my eyes all over the sight before us. The low orange lights that glowed on the walls were beautiful aesthetics, perfect for the mysterious cave that is Dauntless and the people that lived within it.

When I saw the huge metal door that housed the rest of the initiates, I made a small sound of relief. Finally.

I moved faster, taking huger steps and increasing my speed to reach the dorms quicker. I was a couple of steps shy from the door when a hand grabbed my arm, pulling me back before I could claim my freedom from Eric and the suffocating aura he had with him.

I looked back with a frown on my face, expecting to see Eric and another one of his wolfish smirks. But, what I saw wasn't Eric, and my frown lifted into a smile when my eyes scanned Tobias' familiar face instead.

"How did you--"

"Charlotte," He cut me off, surprising me and Eric, who I saw was standing a few feet behind him, "It won't be pretty--what's going to happen inside the dorms."

My expression showed how confused I was, "What?"

"They shouldn't know--no one should now--about us being siblings." He continued, dropping his voice to a lower tone, "If they find out, they're going to accuse me of favoritism and cheating, and possibly make us both factionless."

I nodded, pulling my arm back from his tightening hold. It made me curious as to why he was getting nervous all of a sudden, thinking it was a possible effect of our fear from being abandoned once again.

He had found his home in Dauntless, and he wanted me to find it here, too.

He didn't want to lose it, not even for me.

"I'm ready," I muttered back, walking towards the door with my hand prepared to turn the knob open, "Whatever you have to do to keep it a secret, do it. I won't say a thing."

He nodded once before disappearing down the hall.

"Wait." A hand grabbed my arm once again, but this time, it's significantly rougher.

I bit my lower lip in frustration. What was it with people constantly grabbing my arm?

With a pointed look, I stared back at Eric, not at all surprised to see him wearing yet another smirk.

"What?" I asked with pursed lips. I watched as he dug deep into his left pocket, producing a dark thin cloth after a few seconds. He brought it up in the air, placed it near my face.

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