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T H I R D   P E R S O N

Eric gently nudged the sleeping Charlotte as he whispered, "Lottie, wake up."

The newly appointed leader grumbled and buried her face deeper into the blankets. "Five more minutes, Tobias."

The other leader froze for a second before erasing the wild thoughts that gathered in his head.

Siblings, He thought, They're just siblings.

"Everyone should be in The Pit after five minutes, Lottie. You need to wake up."

As the grumpy Charlotte moved to sit up on the bed, she let out a yawn and ran a hand through her hair, "Eric? What are you doing--Oh, right." She drawled, "The passing out thing. And why do we need to be in The Pit? Is there an announcement or something?"

"Sort of," The blue-eyed leader shrugged, "You need to get ready. I'll be waiting outside."

"Okay," Charlotte yawned once again, "I'll be right out."

As Eric walked out of his room, he thought of facing Charlotte when the drugs had finally dissolved in her system. How will he explain what had happened?

No, he mused, The attack should be executed by the time the drugs lose effect.

With a feeling of guilt, he willed himself into his living room to wait for Charlotte.


"Stop fidgeting, Lottie." Eric scolded as they walked together into The Pit.

"I can't help it. It's like my entire body is itchy." Charlotte replied as she tried to stop squirming.

The two of them approached the other leaders and copied their stances. Max turned and looked pointedly at Charlotte. "I believe Eric has told you about our plan?"

Charlotte nodded, even though she didn't know what the older leader was talking about. "Yes. Eric has told me all about it."

On her side, Eric released a subtle sigh of relief. The drugs were still working.

"Good," Max nodded, "Make sure to shoot anyone who isn't acting like the others."

As Max walked away, Charlotte couldn't help but think about what he said. Now that he mentioned it, the rest of the Dauntless members seemed out of it. All of them were forming a line, their postures rigid and straight. Charlotte scanned their faces, noticing the blank look that it held.

"What is wrong with them, Eric?" She asked the man at her side.

Eric tensed, did the drugs wear off already?

"They look like a bunch of robots." Charlotte giggled. The other leader visibly relaxed at her sentence. The drugs were still in effect.

Thank fúcking goodness, He thought.

"Don't worry about it." Eric stated as he scanned the room for people who weren't acting like mindless drones, "They're just following procedures."

"How come we aren't?" Charlotte whined, causing Eric to slightly wince. Charlotte Eaton never whined.

"We're leaders. We get a pass." Charlotte nodded numbly before proceeding to squat on the floor.

"What's happening? Hey, you! Why is everyone acting weird?"

Divergent, Eric thought as he swiftly walked over to the man who was waving a hand in front of another Dauntless member's face.

"Hey," Eric interrupted and forged a fake smile at the man, "Everything's fine. You don't have to worry about it."

"Well, yeah." The man shrugged, "But how come you--"

Eric aimed the gun at the man and quickly pulled the trigger. Blood splattered on the floor as the man fell down, a gaping hole on his head.

One down, an entire faction to go.


"A beautiful day, isn't it, Eric?" Max joked as he watched a mindless Dauntless member push an Abnegation man on his knees.

Eric didn't say anything and continued to watch over Charlotte through his peripheral vision. The drugged girl was smiling like nothing was happening around her. Which is good, Eric thought, For her safety.

"Please don't," A nearby woman pleaded as a Dauntless member pressed a gun against her head, "My daughter and my son, they don't have anyone else. Please, I beg you. For their sake."

The Dauntless member said nothing and got ready to press the trigger of his gun when Max yelled, "Stop!"

The Dauntless member immediately backed away from the woman. The woman gave Max a thankful gaze, "Thank you so much! I--"

"The new leader should do it." Max finished and looked at Charlotte.

The Abnegation woman paled and continued her previous pleading. "No, please. My children, please."

Eric stepped in before Max could do anything else, "I should do it. Haven't shot anyone in a while. You know, see if I still have--"

"Stand down, Eric." Max interrupted and pointed to the crying woman, "Prove your loyalty, Charlie. Shoot her."

The slightly woozy girl grinned at Max, "This won't last a second."

As Charlotte aimed the gun at the woman, Eric immediately tried to stop her. "Lottie, don't--"


A ringing sound echoed in their ears.

Charlotte's eyes widened.

Eric stopped moving.

Max smiled triumphantly.  

A body fell to the floor.

Two children cried for their mother.

People cowered in the corner.

Charlotte kílled a person.

Charlotte kílled a mother.

Charlotte was a kíller.

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