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"Lottie, wake up." I whispered as I patted the sleeping brunette on her cheek. She squirmed and groaned beneath me.

I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. Shít, she was a mess. Her hair was tangled and all over the place, and there was a slight drool on her mouth. My eyes traveled down and saw her shirt was ridden up, making her flat stomach visible.

I looked away quickly, thankfully no one was awake. If someone saw the way I was looking at her, I'm sure I'll be kissing up to Max' ass again. I looked at Lottie—on the face, this time—and tapped her cheeks again.

"Wake up, Lottie. Fúck, it smells like sweat and piss here, wake the fúck up so that we can get out." I silently hissed at her while pinching my nose.

Fúck, what do they do in here? It smells like shít.

Lottie groaned and opened her eyes, her grey irises looking dull. When she realized it was me, she released an agonizing sound and rubbed her eyes.

"I'll wait outside. Two minutes, Lottie."

I walked out of the disgusting room, and breathed out a sigh of relief. That room was suffocating. I leaned on a wall with my hands deep in my pockets, my eyes looking around the dark corridor to see if somebody had followed me.

When nothing happened, I relaxed my shoulders slightly and waited for the initiate I was willing to break the rules for to come out of the room.

"I'm here." Lottie spoke, slightly out of breath. I raised an eyebrow at her,

"What did you do? You look like you ran a fúcking marathon."

She glared at me, "I might as well have. Two minutes? Really, Eric?"

I shrugged at her, "What did you expect from a man like me? Let's go."

I turned and led the way to the room where we held the simulations. When we entered, I immediately went over to the monitor and started hooking up wires on it. I got the serum from a cabinet underneath and got it ready for Lottie to take.

I felt her still standing near the door, so I stated, "Get your ass on the chair and close that door behind you."

I heard her grumbling some profanities at me, causing me to smirk. 

"What's up with you today? You're acting like you're on your man period or something." She mumbled.

I gripped the serum-filled injection and walked towards her. I gave her a devious smile.

"I'm always on my man period, sweetheart. There are just days wherein it's not really noticeable. Kind of like when you have your menstruation, no?" I smirked.

She opened her mouth in disbelief. "Did you just comment about my monthly menstrual cycle? What the fúck, Eric?"

I continued to smirk while placing her hair away from her neck. I heard her take a deep breath when I slowly pushed the needle in.

"So, it's just going to be like before?" Lottie closed her eyes as I pulled the needle out.

I smoothed her hair back so that it was out of her face. "Yeah, but this time, you're going to experience all your fears. Just remember to either calm your heart rate or find a way to face your fear."

When I saw her starting to drift off, I muttered quietly, "Be brave."

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