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I'd managed to stick all my remaining knives on the target and was on the process of grabbing another set when the room suddenly became tense.

I twisted my head and looked sideways, seeing Eric glaring at a fellow initiate. He was a boy taller than most of us present, but his height did nothing to stop the fact that he looked so intimidated by Eric--like he was ready to pee in his pants.

Of course Eric causes a commotion. Was my silent thought as my eyes wandered from the boy's terrified face to Eric's taunting one. 

"That was pathetic," He muttered loud enough for all of us to hear. My interest wavered. He was acting like his usual asshole self, what's new? So far, he was all bark. He'd probably just yell at the guy and go back to giving negative comments to the rest of us.

Walking forward, I ignored the stutter-filled reply of the initiate and grabbed five knives off the table. Upon going back to my spot, Peter sent me a hiss and a glare, pulling me away from my target and closer to him. His whisper towards me was full of excitement, "Stop throwing, dumbass. Something interesting is happening for once."

Instead of replying, I hit his arm as hard as I could with the knives still in my grasp and stared back at Eric as he continued picking at the initiate.

"What's his name?" I muttered lowly, taking note of the way the boy was shaking as he walked towards what I assumed was his target. When he stopped in front of it, Eric smiled. "He looks familiar."

"He's Al." Peter answered, discreetly stepping forward for a better view. "He's the one that cries every night."

Oh, him. The boy that everyone felt pity for but did nothing. He was everyone's inner self, hesitating his decisions and aching to be home. Well, everyone that's not me. I'd die if I ever come back to Marcus.

"Four, give me a hand here."

My ears burned at the mention of Tobias' other name. Now, I was interested. What did Al do to make Eric so infuriatingly sadistic, to make the 'I'm independent and I don't need anyone' Eric ask help from Tobias out of all people?

Tobias looked like he wanted to punch Eric for dragging him into the mess, but he stared at Eric and nodded silently. Obviously, we felt the same towards the leader. As Tobias picked a set of knives from the table where I was previously at, Eric continued to walk around while casually twirling a knife between his fingers. 

I hope that knife slips and he gets cut. Please. I chanted in my head, thinking of the all the times Eric had been an asshole to me. He would deserve it. Cut him. But the knife stays perfect, rolling around his hands without slicing his skin that it was almost like magic. 

Ugh. Why did he have to be good at everything?

"You want me to nick him?" My thinking abruptly stopped when Tobias appeared in front of Al and his target, gripping a knife in his right hand. I furrowed my eyebrows. What the hell was he doing? Eric punishing Al was one thing, but my brother taking part of it? 

Highly impossible.

"Just a little bit off the top."

Even though I have never talked to Al, my worry for him increased. Both instructors were talking like he was just going for a haircut. This wasn't teaching a lesson. This was purely for Eric's sick enjoyment. 

Beside me, Peter's eyes were wide in glee. I had to punch his arm to get his attention back. "You're supporting this shit?" I asked him, eyes narrowed disapprovingly. He shrugged.

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