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I kept fiddling with my damn hands, kept tapping my fucking feet, that a nurse had to go out from a room and sush me. 

As I watched her walk away with narrowed eyes, I rub my face with my trembling hands. Fuck, I was going crazy with worry. Was she okay? Why the fuck did she suddenly faint?

Eric suddenly appeared, walking out of the operating room. Immediately, I stand up and stalk towards him, biting my lower lip anxiously. 

"What happened?" I rushed, trying to look over his shoulder and into the OR, "Is she okay? Is she stable--"

"Of course she is," Eric interrupted, rolling his eyes, "I was the one who did the surgery. Me, Eric Coulter, Erudite's top student in medicine--"

"Stop fucking with me," I snarled, pressing my index finger against his chest roughly, "My damn sister almost died. I swear to God, Coulter, if you bullshit me again--you'll be the one staying in that room."

Rolling his eyes, Eric pushed me away, straightening his scrubs. The man was the most egotistical person I knew, but he had a reason to be. The little shit was far too intelligent for his own good.

"There were glass shards puncturing her organs." He told me, moving to a corner so nobody would hear our conversation, "A fractured rib, as well. Bruises and cuts decorated her body, definitely signs of abuse. Hell, I'm amazed it took her this long to faint. She should have already died back at the train."

I blew out a shaky sigh. Marcus never hit her. He always gave her lesser punishments. How long had he been abusing her?

Eric watched as I silently lost my shit, crossing his arms over his chest. "What the hell happened to her, Eaton?"

"Four," I corrected, itching to punch him, "My name is fucking Four. Use it."

Awkward silence ensued, and I stepped forward slightly, lowering my voice, "Don't tell anyone about this. About her being my sister, about her condition. Don't even think of saying something about Marcus abusing her. Do you hear me, Coulter?"

He smiled sarcastically, "Loud and clear, Eaton."


I started walking towards the OR, but his obnoxious voice stopped me, "Wrong room, Stiff. She was transferred to one of the wards. Want me to take you there?"

I clenched my fists. Obviously, I didn't want his help, but the clinic was so huge it was basically a hospital, and I've never been to this floor before. Turning, I made sure my eyes conveyed the message I was struggling to get across, "Don't talk. Just lead the way."

He smirked, walking towards the opposite direction.

* * *


"Stop crying, Uriah," I said, rolling my eyes, "You are such a wuss."

I didn't know a person could get so attached that quickly and that easily. It was a surprise to me that Uriah was trusting and dependent and emotional; Uriah, a boy born and raised within Dauntless, had created a bond with me in a span of two weeks.

And this was only the fourth time we actually talked.

"I can't help it," He cried, rubbing his eyes, "I didn't even try to find you after you jumped. I was busy celebrating. My brother was the fourth jumper and I beat him by being the third this initiation. I'm really sorry for ignoring you, Charlie."

I scratched my head, feeling a needle poke the back of my hand, "Hmm. I was wondering where you were. Where's Beatrice?"

Uriah shrugged, moving to sit on the chair beside my bed, "I don't know. Probably at the mess hall or something. People are going crazy, you know. An Abnegation jumping first? Unheard of."

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