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T H I R D   P E R S O N

"Fúck! No! No!"

Eric ceased firing at Four and looked around at the sound of a familiar voice.

Lottie. He thought as he felt his heartbeat quicken. She's in danger.

In front of him, Four also listened intently, alert at the sound of his sister's scream.

"Molly! Please help! Tris!" Charlie's voice echoed around the area. The initiates stopped fighting each other and listened to the sound of distress, wondering where it came from.

A mass of brown curls rippling against the wind caught Eric's eye, and when he realized that it was from the initiate he had grown quite fond of, he started running towards the tower.

Shít. Shít. Shít. He chanted mentally as he pushed Four out of the way and quickened his pace towards the falling initiate. Eric had never ran so fast his entire life, he was running like his life depended on it.

"Move out of the fúcking way!" He roared as he ran faster, the sound of Charlie's screams fueling each of his step.

Eric watched as metal posts hit Charlie's body, the sound of metal to bone ringing everywhere. Charlie's figure was driving more and more closer towards the ground and Eric knew that if he didn't catch her, she will die.

Eric continued to push through the sea of initiates that only stood there, unmoving. He carelessly shoved anyone out of his way, not caring if they got hurt in the process.

Please, He thought as he ran swiftly, Please be safe.

With his arms wide open, the battered figure of Charlie came tumbling towards Eric.

He had caught her.


"Apart from permanent scars, she's fine." The doctor concluded as Eric continued to watch the sleeping form of Charlie.

He nodded, relief flooding his senses but he decided to keep an emotionless face. "You can go."

The doctor shuffled away, not minding the way the young leader never said thanks. The man was used to it.

Eric walked towards a metal chair that was beside the bed and sat on it. He ran a hand through his already ruffled hair, stress written all over his face. He gave out a heavy and tired sigh.

The doctor said that it was a miracle that Charlie survived, despite Eric's successful attempt at catching the initiate. He had said that Charlie's form should have been mangled by the time she reached the leader's arms, considering the height of the fall and the multiple hits that she received.

Eric stared at the bruised and beaten body of Charlie and thought, What a fúcking miracle, indeed.

A groan suddenly interrupted the thick silence coating the room, snapping Eric out of his reverie. He immediately sat up, and gazed worriedly at Charlie's unmoving form.

"I-I...It hurts," the girl croaked as she writhed on the infirmary's bed.

Eric intertwined his fingers with the initiate and caressed it gently. "Shh, it's alright. The doctor just gave you pills, the pain will subside soon," He cooed softly at the sobbing girl.

Charlie continued to sob softly, she could feel everything. The pounding of her head, the constricting of her chest, the blood rushing to her ears, everything

And it was painful.

The leader continued whispering soothing words to her, his eyes traveling up and down her figure to see if anything was out of order. He scanned her bandaged head, noticing the blood that was trickling on her cheek.

Eric got a wet towel on a nearby cabinet and wiped Charlie's cheek carefully, not wanting to cause more pain towards the already hurting girl. For a few seconds, Charlie swallowed her sobs and relished the feeling of Eric's hand on her own.

Somehow, even with the blood on her face and the bruises on her body, she was calm. And she knew it was because of the man who was whispering encouraging words on her ear.

Charlie's tired eyes closed, and soon, the girl drifted off to sleep.

Eric felt his heart clench as he watched her rest, her soft snores echoing throughout the quiet room. He was feeling something new, and he wasn't sure if he liked it.

The only thing that was on his mind was seeking revenge on the person that was responsible of doing this to Charlie.

If I get my hands on that little shít, He thought as he held Charlie's hand tighter, he won't live to see another day.


Four walked briskly towards the infirmary, his strides quick and powerful. He remembered Tris' words when he met up with her just a few minutes ago.

I didn't mean it, I swear. She had choked with tears in her eyes, I just wanted to get the flag, but I had accidentally pushed her too far a-and... she...

Four shook his head angrily. Accidentally pushing her back was one thing, letting her fall was another.

He clenched his fists when he finally reached the infirmary's doors, contemplating whether he should enter or not. Four stood still for a few seconds before finally having the courage to open the doors,

"Fúckt it." He muttered and looked up as he searched for his sister.

His eyes landed on a covered room, its curtains were masking the windows privately. Taking a deep breath, he walked towards it and lightly grasped the doorknob. He felt the coolness of its surface as he turned it and opened the door softly. A sense of déjà vu hit Four when he saw what was behind the door. 

The sight of Charlie laying on the bed with her entire form bandaged was one thing, seeing Eric holding her hand was another.

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