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Charlie's breath got stuck against her throat. Fear engulfed her body as she watched the man that abused her act like he was happy to see his daughter.

"Charlotte! It is really you! My, how much you've changed since the last time I saw you."

Unconsciously, Charlie gripped Eric's hand tighter and moved towards him, the not-so subtle act catching the attention of her father. Marcus raised an eyebrow at Charlie.

"And who is this young man with you, sweetheart?"

Eric sensed Charlie's fear and traced her hand with his thumb gently. Moving in front of her, Eric stated to Marcus in a clipped tone, "I am Eric Coulter. One of the Dauntless leaders."

Something flashed in the eyes of Marcus as he heard Eric say the word 'leader'. He gave Charlie a wicked grin and directed at Eric, "Well, Mr. Coulter, can I please have some time with my daughter? Visiting Day is almost over, and I am afraid we have so little time to catch up with each other."

Both Charlie and Eric tensed, the former scared of the idea that Marcus might hurt her again, and the latter knew that he couldn't stop another leader to do what he wanted. With great reluctance, Eric turned towards the shaking brunette and leaned down towards her ear. He whispered to her,

"Lottie, don't worry. I'll be right here if anything happens. I'll keep you safe, okay?"

Charlie looked up at Eric and pleaded, "Eric, please. Don't leave me, h-he'll do it again. I don't want to be near him, please."

Eric slowly let go of Charlie's hand and cupped her cheek, wiping the tear that fell from her watery eyes. He let his lips linger near her forehead, and he straightened up just in time as Marcus said,

"We don't have much time, left. Can I speak to my daughter, please?"

Charlie blinked as Eric finally walked away, leaving her with his words. "I won't let anything bad happen to you, okay? Trust me. He won't hurt you. I'm here."

As Eric vanished from both of their sight, Marcus smiled at his daughter. "Come on, Lottie. Follow me."

The older Eaton grabbed the trembling girl's arm, and led her towards a more secluded and empty part of the Pit. When Marcus was sure that no one could see them, he dropped his fatherly act. He sneered at Charlie and slapped her on the same cheek where her brother had slapped her.

"What did I tell you, huh? You insolent girl, I told you to choose Abnegation, yet you disobey me and decide to follow your pathetic brother?"

Marcus slapped her again.

"I did not raise you to become like this!" He gestured towards Charlie with a disgusted look on his face, "I did not raise you to become like your runaway mother! And you're with a leader? I didn't expect that, coming from a useless girl like you." 

Charlie wept uncontrollably while holding her painful cheek. She was paralyzed with fear, she couldn't find the words to say to her abusive father. 

"But, nothing can be done now." Marcus shook his head in mock sadness. "Oh, well. At least I won't have to deal with you and your brother anymore."

Marcus raised his arm to hit her again, but this time, Charlie's pleas was finally heard. The latter took a step back as she watched Eric approach them.

"Sir, I suggest you put your hand down."

Behind Marcus was Eric with a gun on his hand, his face stoic. Charlie smiled despite the pain she felt while doing so, Eric kept his promise.

Marcus dropped his hand and acted oblivious, "Oh no, I was not going to hit her, Mr. Coulter. What kind of father will I be if I hit my own daughter?"

Eric sneered at the false façade of the Abnegation leader. "You fuckíng tell me, Sir. Step away from her and raise your hands."

Marcus raised his hands and did as he was told. When other Dauntless members gathered around him with guns on their hands, he laughed nervously, "This is just a little misunderstanding. I don't hit my children--"

"Tell that to the fúcking bruise on her cheek." Eric interrupted the pathetic lie of Charlie's father.

The younger leader turned towards a Dauntless member and told him, "Escort him out. Marcus Eaton is permanently prohibited from entering the Dauntless compound."

As the other Dauntless members sorted out the mess, Eric turned towards Charlie with a frown on his face.

"I'm sorry I didn't come here on time. I was unexpectedly called by Max and--"

"It's fine." Charlie interrupted him softly. "Thank you for bringing him away."

Silence overtook the atmosphere. Eric placed the gun back in its holster and walked closer to Charlie. He said nothing as he pulled her to his chest and cradled her small body against his. Not even a moment later, sobs racked Charlie's body. She clutched Eric's shirt tightly, and buried her face into his chest.

"It's alright. He's gone. Relax. You're safe now."

Eric comforted the girl, oblivious to a pair of eyes watching them both. Charlie calmed down after a few minutes, and Eric soon led her back towards the initiates' quarters.

Eric discovered two things after the incident with Marcus.

One, that the rumours were true. Marcus was abusive towards his children.

And two, that he will surely pull the trigger of his gun if he sees Marcus again.


➡➡The bit where Eric said "Relax. You're safe, now." was from Jai's role in one of his movies 😉 I love Jai, sue me.

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