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Fear thudded against my chest as those words left Eric's mouth. I remembered what Tori, the one who administered my aptitude test, said.

"Don't tell anyone about this, alright? Being Divergent is very dangerous, and this year, a lot seems to be popping out of Abnegation. If anyone finds out that you are Divergent, you could get kílled. Don't trust anyone, not even your family and friends."

"Uh-Divergents? Aren't they like a myth or something?" I rambled. Verbal diarrhea was something that I experienced when I was nervous, and right now, I was really fúcking nervous.

Eric raised his pierced eyebrow at me, "No. Divergents are very much real. Now tell me, do you know something about them?"

Something clogged against my throat, causing me to cough slightly. "I-uh, no. I never thought that they were actually real."

Fúck, I was a bad liar.

Eric seemed to think about my answer, and after a few seconds, he nodded. "Alright. Let's get you to the infirmary."

I breathed out a sigh of relief.

That was a close call.


"Hmm Hmm, really?" Eric smirked at me, his expression showing that he didn't believe anything I said.

I frowned at him, "It's true! I will dye my hair soon. What color do you suggest I should dye it with?"

Still, Eric smirked at me. "I don't know. Brunette suits you well, in my opinion. Though if you really want to dye your hair, I think something light would suit you," he scanned my face,

"What do you call it? Pastel violet? Yeah, I think pastel violet would look good on you."

I took a strand of my hair and twisted my finger around it. "Yeah. I think pastel violet's cool."

The wind blew around us, causing me to shiver and pull on the sleeves of my shirt. When we left the infirmary, Eric decided that I should hang out with him, considering that my parents won't visit me. Of course, I declined and told him to do his leader duties, but he brushed me off and dragged me towards the roof.

And so here I am. On the roof. Alone with Eric.


With Eric.


I turned to my left and clutched my chest tightly. When I saw Eric's familiar face, I shook my head lightly. "Sorry. I tend to space out a lot."

He chuckled, the deep sound of his laugh emitted a warm feeling from the pit of my stomach. "Kind of noticed that."

I cleared my throat. "I think we should go. Visiting Day is almost over."

Nodding, Eric stood up and held out a hand for me to take. Grasping it, I pulled myself up.

We walked together towards the staircase leading downstairs, both of us lost in our thoughts. We went down the stairs with one thing on my mind,

 My hand was still clutched tightly on his.


"I had fun today. Thank you for keeping me company." I whispered to Eric as we reached the Pit. I slowly let go of his hand, but he gripped it tighter.

The people around us had their eyes zeroed on our hands and I knew what exactly they were thinking.

"Eric they're staring." I hissed and tugged at my hand, but he disregarded my statement and gripped onto it tightly.

"Then let them stare." He retorted back.

I scowled at him, "They'll think wrongly. You know how they are like--"

"The rumours are not true, are they?"

I shook my head. He gave me a satisfied smirk.

"Exactly. They aren't true, so why are you worrying your pretty little head about it? Let them talk, we've got nothing to hide, do we?"

Again, I shook my head. He nodded at me and patted my head.

Scowling, I told him, "I'm not a dog. Don't pat my head."

He raised his eyebrows challengingly and patted my head again. I was about to yell at him when a familiar voice called out to me.

So familiar that I despised hearing it.


Looking behind me, I saw the worn out face of Marcus Eaton.

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