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Dedicated to the following people: voiduniverse, nikol_alexk, and QuietZombie. Thank you for inspiring me to update 😂😘

T H I R D    P E R S O N

Four walked towards Eric as fast as he could and ripped his hands off of his sister. Eric sneered when he saw his rival and stood up from his seat.

"What the fúck are you doing here?" Four hissed.

Eric shoved him back, "What are you doing here?"

Four replied sarcastically, "Oh, I don't know. Maybe I wanted to see how my sister was doing!"

Eric scoffed, his face showing that he was not at all buying what the brown haired instructor had said.

"You wouldn't have come here if it wasn't for that stiff. You two are getting quite close, yeah?"

Four lunged towards Eric with his fist raised, but Eric swiftly dodged his attack. Smirking, Eric told Four mockingly, "Is that all you can do?"

Four let out a growl before pouncing on Eric again. The latter measly moved out of the way and continued taunting the furious brother of Charlie.

"Excuse me, but this is an infirmary! Not a boxing ring!" A high-pitched voice interrupted their fight, the two men watched as an old lady wagged her finger at them.

Eric rolled her eyes at the woman, "Get the fúck out. No one told you to come in."

The woman narrowed her eyes and stalked towards Eric, "You disrespectful lad! I'm going to teach you a lesson,"

Four masked his shock with a snicker, which Eric shot him with a glare in response.

"Don't think you are off the hook, too, young man," The lady turned to Four with a frown on her wrinkled face, "You are disturbing the poor girl."

The two men immediately looked at the bed where Charlie laid on. They couldn't help but notice how the initiate's breathing was shallow. Eric moved closer towards her and asked the old lady with a carefully controlled voice,

"What's wrong with her? She barely looks like she's breathing." Four was oblivious to the panic in his tone, but the old woman who stood by the door casted a knowing glance at the young leader.

"She is fine. Just a couple of side affects of the medicine."

Four and Eric nodded, seemingly content of the woman's answer. The lady clapped once before placing both of her hands on the two men's shoulders,

"Let's go boys, the three of us must have a talk."

Eric grumbled as the old lady escorted him and Four out of the room.


 C H A R L I E

I groaned when I felt an itch on my neck. Turning to my side, I watched tiredly to see if Eric was still here.

I breathed out a sigh of relief when I saw his form on the chair beside me, his head resting on his arms as he used the side of my bed as a support.

"Eric," I croaked, wincing when I felt my throat constrict in pain.

The leader didn't move an inch at the sound of my voice. I cleared my throat painfully and called out again, "Eric. Eric, I-I think something is on my neck."

My voice came out as a whisper, making me curse and groan. I swallowed and got ready to call Eric's name again. Third time's the charm, right?

"Eric!" I said in the loudest voice I could manage.

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