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"I don't think I want to do this again," I whispered to Eric as he approached me with the syringe in his hand.

He frowned and patted my head, "We can't stop practicing, Lottie. You'll have to endure this so that you'll do well in initiation." He moved the hair resting on my neck and plunged the needle into it.

I slightly winced and waited in silence for him to pull out the needle. When he finally did, I let out a relieved breath.

"Be brave, initiate."

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I sat upright and gasped for breath when I finally emerged from the simulation. I felt Eric rub my back soothingly,

"You're fine. I'm here," He cooed softly as he watched me take deep breaths.

When I finally managed to calm down, I asked him, "What was my time?"

"Nothing's changed, really." He clicked his tongue. "In fact if you could keep this up for at least two more times, you can stop practicing with me. Your time was one minute and forty-two seconds."

I nodded numbly and stood up from the 'Nightmare Chair'.

Yeah, I had a name for it.

"Thanks, Eric. See you later." I said and moved towards the door.

"Lottie?" Eric called out before I exited.

I turned to him and raised an eyebrow, "Yeah?"

"We won't be practicing tomorrow." I looked at him, puzzled.


He smiled at me, "Let's just say I managed to get your brother to agree with me in doing something."

I nodded hesitantly, he and my brother were big rivals. Getting Four to agree with Eric was a pretty big deal.

"Alright. Thanks for the heads up," I averted my eyes and started to open the door.

"Glad to be of service, initiate." I heard Eric mutter lowly, and somehow, I can sense the sarcastic tone in it. 

I closed the door softly behind me and carefully trudged my way back into the initiates' room.


"Alright, we're done here. You can get your lunch," Four bellowed as he appeared from the simulation room with Tris.

The rest of us grumbled our happy responses and immediately dispersed to the cafeteria, eager to eat something. I paid no mind to my older brother and went to the cafeteria with Peter next to me.

"So," Peter started as he slid into the seat next to me, "Are you and Eric getting along well?"

I choked on my bread and asked Peter with dread filling my expression, "What are you talking about?"

He tsked at me, "Don't play innocent, Charles. Don't think I didn't notice you sneaking out early in the morning with him." He whispered.

I froze, my hands were shaking slightly.

Peter wouldn't report us, would he?

At my silence, Peter clapped a hand on my back. "Don't worry, Charles." He grinned, "I won't tell anyone."

I gave Peter a small smile and muttered lowly, "Thanks."

"Anything for you, Charles." He winked and started eating his hamburger.


"Initiates, in The Pit, two minutes."

Four's deep voice cut through the silence inside the initiates' quarters. We all gave confused looks as we watched him walk away. Why did he wake us up earlier than before?

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