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The banging of metal was the usual sound we heard as Four's wake up call the next morning. The same routine was followed, Peter holding up my blanket while I changed, and eating breakfast for fifteen minutes.

Although the day started out as normal, Eric decided to spice things up a little.

"Alright, initiates. Today, let's try out something different." Eric bellowed as we entered the training room.

"You will be fighting each other, but this time, it will not be for sparring purposes. Your fight today will be scored, so fight hard."

My eyes widened, I was not yet ready for real fighting.

"You will be given fifteen minutes to prepare." Four stated and gestured for us to start.


"Alright, all initiates stop and gather around." Eric bellowed and interrupted my sparring session with Peter, who, like always, was grinning like an idiot.

I took a deep breath and followed the other initiates into the center of the room where a mat was located.

Peter nudged my side. "Hey, Charles? Just remember what I told you a while ago. Use your whole body when you swing, and don't look where you'll punch. That will be your downfall."

I slightly nodded and took a mental note of his words.

"First and last jumper, in the ring." 

I almost choked when I heard what Eric said. 

First and last jumper? I was fighting Tris?

Molly, Peter's friend and an acquaintance of mine, lightly pushed me forward. I stumbled towards the mat on the center, my heart beating furiously.

My eyes connected with Tris, and I saw a hint of regret and worry in them. I took a deep breath and wiped my hands on my pants, regretting the fact that I was a wuss and jumped last.

We both looked at Eric and waited for him to tell us to start. He waved his hands and before I knew it, Tris was coming at me with her arm raised.

I immediately took a step back and took a hold of her hands as she tried to hit me, my breathing already labored. Tris pulled her arms and tried to smack me again, but I moved back just in time to avoid it.

"Go, Tris!" I heard Christina yell loudly.

I bit my lip and positioned my hands in front of my face, my feet slightly spread apart. Tris was looking at Four--no surprise there-- so I took the opportunity to attack her while she was distracted.

My fist made contact with her unguarded stomach and she stumbled back while clutching it. I took another deep breath, and concentrated on my opponent.

I need to take her down without actually hurting her.

I moved closer towards Tris and swiped her feet, causing her to fall down on the floor with a loud thud. Everyone was silent for a while, and all I could hear was the blood rushing into my ears.

I looked back at my two instructors, waiting for them to end the match.

But Eric had other ideas.

He gestured towards Tris and said, "Finish her."

I gave him an appalled look. "But she's already on the floor--"

"If you were in a true situation, will you leave your opponent on the floor, still breathing, or will you finish her?" Eric questioned.


"Stop." My eyes connected with Four's, and I can see the pain it held not for me, but for Tris. "A brave man acknowledges the strength of others."

Eric snarled at him, "A brave man never surrenders."

The angry leader looked at me and gestured once again to Tris.

"Finish her, or I will."

I looked at Tris with teary eyes while she gave me a small understanding nod.

With one last look of regret, I raised my arms and punched her.

Eric gave me a dark smile as we watched Four carry Tris towards the infirmary.

"Good job, initiate. Much points will be given to you."

I wiped my eyes and immediately went out of the training room.

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