Chapter 1

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Right Yet Wrong
By WinterAngelxo

*Misha's POV*
Dean Winchester- So find God yet? More importantly, can I have my damn necklace back, please?
Dean places his hand out expecting his necklace.

Castiel- No, I haven't found him. That's why I'm here. I need your help.
Castiel looks at Dean's empty open hand and back at him as Dean places it down beside him.

Dean Winchester- With what? A god hunt? I'm not interested Cas.
Dean goes to turn away but castiel stops him.

Castiel- It's not god. It's someone else.

Dean Winchester- Who?

Castiel- It's an archangel. The one who killed me.
Castiel moves towards the bed before standing at the end of it looking over to Dean.

Dean Winchester- Excuse me?

Castiel-His name is Raphael.

Dean Winchester: You were wasted by a Teenage Mutant Ninja Angel?

So much has been going through my mind lately. I haven't been able to focus properly these last few months. I forget most my lines because I'm not rehearsing them and when I do its late at night so I'm to tired to remember the lines.

Misha- Line?

Bob Singer- Cut. Misha you need to learn your lines. Everyone take 5 we will re set the stage. Misha I think it's best you take some time off after today.

Misha- What about the episodes I'm in?

Bob Singer- We will postpone shooting for 2 weeks I want everyone refreshed after we come back.

I nod my head and walk off stage heading towards my trailer. When Bob says 5 he means an hour or two so I may as well drill these lines into my mind. That's what I was hoping to do anyway but Jensen had other ideas. "Jensen please I need to practice my lines, Bob's getting frustrated." He rolls his eyes and grabs my waist pulling me in closer. "Misha you worry to much. Your great. Just relax and let Jensen take care of you." He starts to kiss my neck and I let go of a lot of tension and stress and start to relax. I moan as he sucks on my sweet spot. "Jens-" I bite my lip as he sucks harder. "Hey Misha I-" My trailer door flew open to reveal Jared standing there luckily Jensen and I have fast reflexes and we pushed away from one another. "So keep up the good work." Jensen says straightening his shirt. "Thanks for helping me with my lines." I clear my throat as he leaves my trailer but of course says hello to Jared first. "I was wondering if you wouldn't mind baby sitting Sheppard and Tom tonight. Our regular baby sitter is sick and Gen and I have dinner plans tonight. I have no one else to ask." I throw my script on the table. "What about Jensen and Danneel?" "There joining us tonight." Jared and Jensen are like real brothers off set and of course always have dinners with each other and there wives. Vicki and I are invited now and then but not as much, she doesn't like hanging with my friends all the time. "Sure." I say smiling as I look up to see a relieved Jared. "Thank you. I owe you one man." I may not be close to Jared as much as Jensen but I am close and we always have each others backs. "Were on in 5!" A extra shouted. When that's called it literally is 2 minutes. I didn't even get a chance to rehearse my lines.

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