Chapter 4

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*Jensen's POV*

I step into my trailer and throw the script on the floor. "Argh!" I groan as I pace back and fourth in the trailer. The door swung open behind it was Jared, he walked in without asking and closed it behind him. He walked closer towards me and grabbed me by my shoulders to stop me from pacing. "What just happened?" He asked right in my face, I stare blankly at him. Should I tell him, he is my best friend and basically family I trust him with a lot, but can he be trusted with this? Gen is his wife and she's close with Danneel what if she says something. "Hey? Talk to me." He shakes me softly to snap me out of my thoughts. "What hasn't happened Jared?" I push away from his grip and sit down on the couch with my hands on my knees holding my head up. "Talk to me Jensen. What's happened between Misha and you?" I look at him standing there looking down at me. "We're having an affair.. Well we were I don't know, we cheated on our wives that I'm sure about." He leans against the sink and has a shocked look on his face but not as shocked as I thought he would. "Wow Jensen.. I don't know what to say.." He started to smile. "So how did this happen?" He started to seem curious about the details, which I didn't really want to go into right now. "Well one night after filming Misha asked if we could rehearse lines. We'd been working closely together on the show for a while and there was chemistry that was hard to resist. When we were rehearsing the part where Castiel and Meg share a passionate kiss had come up and I jokingly said we should rehearse that. Misha leaned in and kissed me and well you're a big boy you know how sex happens." I grab the glass of water from the table in front of me and take a mouthful.

"You didn't stop it after that? You guys hooked up again?" I nodded my head. "We would text each other the code when we wanted to hook up. It was just casual sex at first.." "Till Misha gained feelings?" I nodded my head once again. "Don't get me wrong Jensen I don't condone cheating but you and Misha seem to make each other happy and I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed something between you two." "Who else thinks there's something between Misha and I?" "The fan base for one.. Gen kind of thought you two had a thing for one another, at first I laughed at her but after she said it I started to see it." I lean back in the chair and place my hands over my face. "I feel so guilty Jared but at the time, I didn't care.. I still don't. I know what Misha and I did was wrong but it doesn't feel like it is when it's happening." "If it feels right, why don't you leave Danneel?" I sigh at his obvious question. "Because I'm afraid.." "Afraid of what?" "Afraid of what I'm feeling towards Misha." "That is?"

"I think I am-" I let out a sigh and look down to the floor. "I think I am falling in love with him..." I groan at myself saying this out loud. "What's wrong with that?" "I haven't felt this way for anyone not even Danneel.. I thought I loved her but what I'm feeling for Misha is so much stronger, something I've never felt before." "So why didn't you tell him that? Why run away?" "Because he has a family Jared. I can't compete with that.. I want to be first to him not last.." "You love and care about West yeah?" I look up at Jared whose now sitting on the floor leaning against the cupboards. "Of course I do, his like a son to me." I stop and realize what I had just said. I look back at Jared who smiles at me. "How would it even work though Jared?.. If Danneel and I divorce that's it but Misha will always be in contact with Vicki because of West and what if one day he realizes he doesn't love me and loves her still and I'm on my own. Jared I'm afraid of love and I never had this feeling with Danneel.." "Jensen, you and Danneel have shared some amazing memories together and you will never forget them. However you don't love her and it's wrong to keep seeing Misha while married to Danneel. You clearly have strong feelings for him and you're afraid because that's what love does. It's a roller coaster of emotions. You know you're in love if every day you stare at that person and feel afraid or scared that you could lose them within seconds. I get that feeling with Gen still. You need to talk to Misha before this goes any further. I'll keep what we talked about between the two of us but you do need to figure out what you're going to do because either way Jensen you will hurt someone." He gets up and pats me on the shoulder before heading out of my trailer. I have a lot to think about and I don't want to go home, I need to be on my own to make a decision.

[Jensen. 4:30pm]

Hey Dan, long day going to be filming, editing and helping with the set for a bit so going to be a late night. I'm going to stay in the trailer tonight, seems like the best idea so I can crash straight away after were finished and we have shooting at 6am so this is the better solution. :) Jensen.

[Danneel. 4:40pm]

Okay babe, text me when you get up tomorrow. Hope it all goes well! Make sure you rest up. I love you. xxx

I stare at her message. 'I love you.' I know I should send I love you to but I just can't.. I turn my phone off and put it on the table.


I know I am suppose to update Friday but I think for my stories the days I have put that I am updating on I will but if I have updates any other day I suppose I can still post them? Let me know what you thought of this update. xx

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