Chapter 17

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*Misha's POV*

"Come in." I shout to our front door as Jared walks in. "Hey guys, nice place." "Uncle Jared!" West runs up and hugs him. "Hey kiddo you ready to go?" He looks up and nods his head before running towards me. I get down on my knee and wrap my arms around his back as he wraps his arms around my neck. "I love you daddy." I kiss his forehead. "Love you to buddy." He lets go and runs towards Jensen who picks him up. "I love you also second daddy." "Love you more West." Jensen places West on the ground and messes up his hair. "See you guys." We wave goodbye and as soon as they were out of sight Jensen pulls me into him and starts taking off my top. "Babe, we can't!" I say giggling. "It's been 2 weeks!" "You've been counting?" "The last time was my birthday, two weeks ago. I'm dying for your body." I kiss his lips and grabs his cheeks with my hands. "When you're a dad you can't just have sex all the time." "I know Misha but I don't want to be like other couples. I don't want our flame to go out." "I promise it wont. There will be time for sex but just not now as we have to get to Danneel's appointment." Jensen checks his watch. "Oh shit." He grabs his wallet and keys from the counter then grabs my wrist dragging me out the door.

*Jensen's POV*

"Glad you guys could make it." Danneel says not looking at Misha. "Sorry, we lost track of time." We sit down in the waiting room in silence. "Danneel Ackles?" We get up and walk towards the doctor. "It's Danneel Harris. Divorced." The doctor nods his head. I look at Misha and roll my eyes as we follow Danneel and the doctor into a private room. "Take a lay down here Miss Harris." The doctor then points to two chairs for Misha and I to sit on. We sit down and I hold Misha's hand as Danneel lays down and lifts her top. "This will be cold at first." I grab her hand with my other hand. I know how scared she would be right now. "Do you know how far along you are Miss Harris?" "I think if I calculated it right 6 weeks?" She said as I observed the doctor. "According to the development in the baby you're 8 weeks so 2 weeks." "How come she isn't showing?" I ask as the doctor turns his attention towards me. "Some pregnant women's bellies don't pop straight away. One night she will go to sleep and in morning she will wake up with a belly."

The doctor started to move a stick around Danneel's belly. I looked at the screen to see my son or daughter.

 I looked at the screen to see my son or daughter

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"Our little peanut." I smile at Misha and squeeze his hand tighter. I lean forward and whisper to Danneel's belly. "Hey kiddo. I'm your dad. Even though I haven't met you. I wanted you to know I love you very much." I could feel myself tearing up. "Would you like to hear the heartbeat?" The doctor says as I look up at him. "Can we?" I swallow hard waiting for the doctor to find the heart beat. "That's my baby." I whisper to Misha as a tear of happiness escapes my eye. I stared at the screen listening to my baby's heart beat. I could listen to it all day.

I got so lost in listening the appointment was finished before I could even register. "Well Thank you for coming.. I suppose you guys should go and settle in. We will talk about our baby another day." I watch Danneel get in her car and drive off. "We didn't even go shopping today, where did the time go?" Misha sighs getting into the car. "Let's get chinese food and watch movies together. We can unpack and do the rest of the stuff tomorrow." I smile at Misha as he nods. I don't understand how I became so blessed. I have the man of my dreams, a family and a baby who arrives in 7 months.

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