Chapter 6

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*Jensen's POV*

No matter what I said to Misha he refused to change his mind. If only I could speak with him longer but there wasn't enough time. I make my way home and sit in the car in our drive way. He'd be telling Viki around now..

*Misha's POV*

"I can't change my mind. I promise your name won't be mentioned.. I'm sorry Jensen." I say this for the 5th time today. He just won't listen or understand. I'm not happy with Viki and it's not fair on her or West. I open the door and walk into the kitchen where she's sitting at the table. "Hello Misha." I give her a reassuring smile. "Can we talk Viki?.." She looks up at me and sighs nodding her head. I take a seat across from her. "Viki.. We've shared some great memories together over the years. We had West and his the best thing to happen to the both of us in a long time. You and I both know that we've been having problems and I'm to blame for most of those with my attention at work and not with my family and I'm sorry for that. I don't regret our times together.. I think we-" She cuts me off by handing me an orange envelope. I grab it from her hands and take the documents out. "Divorce papers." I whisper aloud to myself. "Is that what you wanted?" She asked and I looked up at her from the papers. "Yeah.." "Good. Sign the papers and get out." "Viki this is my home as much as it is yours." She walked out of the kitchen, well more likely stormed off. "I'm moving to LA. This house is no longer either of ours. I sold it and used the money to buy one in LA." "How can you sell it without consenting me?" I stand from the table and follow after her. I was happy she was okay with the divorce but how dare she take everything away from me. "You are not taking my son. I will fight this in court." She stopped and turned to face me. "I don't want to take him Misha. I'm starting a fresh new life without either of you." I could feel myself breaking and getting angry. "How dare you say that about our 6 year old son? He loves you, you're his mother and just like that you are going to walk out on him?" She went upstairs and closed the bedroom door, the bedroom we once shared. "Daddy.." West came running out of the lounge room. "Come here." I kneel down and he runs towards me jumping into my arms. "It's okay." Viki opens the door and walks down stairs with her suitcase. "Mummy?" She ignores West and continues to walk towards the door. West practically jumps out of my arms and runs towards her hugging her legs stopping her. "Mummy where are you going?" "West.." I call his name. "I'm sorry if I did anything wrong. I love you mummy." Viki un crossed his arms and walked out the door just like that.

West dropped to the floor crying. I rushed by his side and picked him up. "Doesn't mummy love me?" He shouted through his cries. "She does baby. She just needs to have a little holiday." How do I tell a 6 year old boy his mother doesn't want to be apart of his life? I couldn't... I place West into his bed after he tired himself out from crying.

I grab my phone out and see that Viki texted me.

I grab my phone out and see that Viki texted me

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I don't know how she found out about Jensen and I

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I don't know how she found out about Jensen and I. I hope she doesn't say anything... Jensen clearly wants to be with his wife so I don't want this 'fling.' Ruining what he has with Danneel. At least one of us marriages works out in the end. I better let him know she knows.. I hope he doesn't get mad at me. We still have to work together, see each other regularly..

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I don't know what he wants to talk about

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I don't know what he wants to talk about... hopefully his not saying we can't even be friends... I don't want to lose our friendship. I think I've screwed this all up.

*Jensen's POV*

I sit in the car messaging Misha. I kind of feel relieved that Viki and him are over.. I feel like I have him to myself and I don't need to share him. "Hey?.." I look at my window where Danneel stands. That is until Danneel comes in the picture. Do I love her? I stare at her and question myself. "Hey Dan?" "Yeah?" "Do you love me?" She let's out a small laugh. "Of course I do Jensen. Where's this coming from?" I shrug my shoulders and close the car door. "You love me to don't you?" I bite my lip and feel stupid for even asking the question. "Mhm." I let out softly. No. Not all. Is what I wanted to scream but I didn't. "Let's go have a shower. You need one no offense babe." She said pulling me inside 'our' house. Isn't this where I'm suppose to be the happiest?.. I'm not though. I'm happiest when I'm with.. When I'm with Misha.

Update Friday!
Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this update. Viki knows about Jensen and Misha, now they are getting a divorce not just because of the affair. So one wife down, will Jensen end his marriage to go after Misha? :) xx

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