Chapter 29

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*Misha's POV*

I open my eyes slowly and sit up, my whole body aches in pain. "Misha.." Jensen whispers laying me back down. "Jensen? What are you doing here?" "I'm all in remember. I will always be by your side." I smile and close my eyes letting out a heavy sigh of relief. "I brought someone here to see you.." Jensen says opening the door. "Daddy!" I smiled as he came running towards me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Hey little man." He sits on the end of my bed. "How's your arm?" I ask looking at Jensen who looks down to the ground in guilt. "It's better, all the girls and guys at school want to sign it and Jensen apologized and said what he did was naughty and that he didn't mean to hurt me and that he loves me so I said it was okay because I knew you and him were not talking that's why you were staying away and now you are sick but Jensen said we will be a family again soon." West says excitedly. "Did he now?" I smile up at Jensen. "I-" I was cut off when Angela walks into the hospital room. "Thank god you are okay. I come with unsettling news.. They have brought your hearing to tomorrow. Your doctor said you can attend." I feel Jensen's hand in mine as I squeeze it tight. "You should get some rest, it will be a big day." I nod my head as she leaves the room. "Jared's here to take you home buddy." Jensen says helping West off of my bed. "You should go home and get some rest as well." I look over at Jensen who makes himself comfortable in the chair next to my bed. "I'm not going anywhere." He reaches for my hand again as I place it in his. Tomorrow decides my future. If I will be a free man or as they say in movies 'dead man' walking. 

*Jensen's POV*

"Misha stop squirming." I say fixing Misha's tie for the 100th time. "You look handsome." I say biting my lip as Misha smiles at me. "Thank you, as do you." I laugh and hold his hand walking into the court room, there were people we knew and strangers but with everything going on it felt like the people we knew were now strangers. Everyone believed it was Misha besides a few of his friends, it took a lot of convincing but I got our closest friends to realize Misha isn't capable of this. We sit down and wait for the judge. "Are you okay?" I whisper to Misha who is looking around the room. "Everyone is looking at me like I did it.." "Hey, I am here right next to you and I am not going anywhere no matter what happens today you are innocent in my eyes." He tries to give me a smile but I knew it wasn't real. "Ladies and gentlemen of the court please rise." We stand up and Misha lets go of my hand to fix his tie again. "You may be seated." The judge says as we all take our seats I feel his hand grab mine again. "We are here today to decide whether or not Mr Dmitri Tippens Krushnic is guilty for the murder of Danneel Harris Ackles. I would like to call the first testimony from Mr Robinson who is Danneel's attorney. Ms Victoria Vantoch who is the accused's former wife." 

*Misha's POV*

"I would like to call the first testimony from Mr Robinson who is Danneel's attorney. Ms Victoria Vantoch who is the accused's former wife." I could feel my heart beat faster, it took me to be accused of murder for her to show up! I have contacted her countless of times to see West and she never once returned my calls. I had to calm myself down because going mental in a court room when the case is about you isn't good. I stand up and move towards the doors where a guard stood in front. "I need some fresh air." He nodded his head and followed me outside. I leaned over my hands on my knees I didn't know if I wanted to be sick or scream. "Misha!" Jensen called my name behind me. "She shows up now? Out of all the times I have pleaded for her to come back to her son she shows up now!" I screamed in anger. "Misha she was forced to testify, so if she wasn't she probably wouldn't have come back." "See that's how gutless she is! She is so mad at me who knows what she is saying in front of the jury!" Jensen wraps his arms around me as I break down in his arms, it's the first time I cried since I was arrested, I felt like I could let it all out. Why was this happening to me.. I pulled myself together as we walked back into the court room. Taking my seat Vicki was still on the stand. "Please tell us about your husband Victoria." Danneel's lawyer asked. "He is a great father to our son, he has been nothing but  a great father. He loves West and has never laid a hand on our son. Misha was a good husband apart from the part where he was unfaithful and yes that hurt a lot and you are all probably wondering why I am not telling you the worst things about Misha, well it would all be lies, Misha isn't perfect just like all of us who are sitting here right now. He does have his flaws but one of them is not a killer. Misha loves Jensen he would never hurt Jensen that way and Misha would never do something that meant he had to walk away from our son. He may not be my partner anymore but he is still the same man I fell in love with." I smiled in relief of her testimony, I judged her to quick. Jensen smiled and kissed my hand as I leaned my head on his shoulder. "I would like to call Jensen Ackles to the stand." Angela says as Jensen lets go of my hand. I wasn't told he was testifying. "Mr Ackles, you are the former lover of Danneel?" "Yes that is correct." "You had an affair with Mr Collins while in a committed relationship with Mrs Harris?" "Yes, Misha and I were seeing each other behind our wives backs for a couple of months. It was all fun and games and yes we sort of knew our wives would be hurt if they found out, we were unhappy in our marriages which doesn't excuse what we did. We ended our marriages to be with each other." "But neither of you are divorced?" "No, we haven't talked that far ahead yet." "Danneel announced she was pregnant with your child?" "Yes she told me she found out she was pregnant. Misha was okay with this." "Objection. Can we please approach your honor."  Mr Robinson stands up. "Councillors may approach." 

*Jensen's POV*

  "Danneel announced she was pregnant with your child?" "Yes she told me she found out she was pregnant. Misha was okay with this." "Objection. Can we please approach your honor." Mr Robinson stands up. "Councillors may approach."   I watch as Angela and Mr Robinson talk to the judge when I over hear Mr Robinson. "Danneel stated in confidentiality that Mr Ackles was not the father of the child it was her lover Brad who she had been seeing while with Jensen." "What!?" I stood up. "Please sit down." The judge says. "She was cheating on me?" I yelled at her lawyer. "I thought you knew.. Until you mentioned being the father of Danneel's unborn child." I get down from the stand and walk out of the court room. 

*Misha's POV*

  "She was cheating on me?" I yelled at her lawyer. "I thought you knew.. Until you mentioned being the father of Danneel's unborn child."  I watched as Jensen stormed out of the court room and I followed. "Jensen, stop." I yelled after him as he broke down crying. "The kid wasn't even mine." "I know baby, but calm down alright it's okay.." "You didn't just find out your wife was having an affair on you." "No, but Vicki has cheated on me in the past it was a one off when we were in Australia on tour for Supernatural season 6." I said looking at him as he stopped pacing. "Why didn't you tell me?" "Wasn't really important, the past is the past. I love you okay, Danneel should not have told you, you were the father of that baby unless she was sure. Just come back inside and sit next to me please." "You love me?" "Of course I do Jensen." He walks over towards me and kisses my lips softly, it felt nice to have his lips and mine connect, it felt like the connection was just reconnected after it was disconnected. "I love you too." I hold his hand as we walk back in the court room, everyone was standing up talking, hysterical. "What is going on? Angela?" I call her name as she squeezes through the crowd. "You were found innocent, new evidence just came through. I contacted a hotel near by the park two weeks ago requesting CTV footage from there entrance and there's a small gap of you running at 10:45pm and you would not have had time to get to Danneel's house murder her and make it home at 11:23pm there were footage at traffic cameras to verify that you couldn't possible have murdered Danneel Harris Ackles. The Jury has found you not guilty, you are a free man." She says with a wide smile, I try and take in all of the new information and I let out a small laugh of relief. "I am innocent." I scream as Jensen lifts me up and spins me around before putting me down and kissing me passionately. "I love you Misha." I smile as I kiss him again. "Let's go home." I whisper as he holds my hand as we exit the court room. We may have entered this apart but we came out of it together and that shows me that he does love me and he will be by my side when things are tough, it was tough on him as well and I didn't consider it fully but I know now he didn't intentionally mean to hurt me or West. I look over at Jensen who smiles at me. I turn the radio on and relax. "Misha Collins had a court hearing today over the murder of Danneel Ackles, the Jury found him innocent when new evidence was brought forward. Misha Collins is a free man. I turn the volume down. "I am a free man, and this free man wants Pizza at home on the couch cuddled up to his man." I kiss Jensen's hand as he pulls me in closer for a quick kiss so he wasn't looking away from the road to long. "How are you?" I ask as he looks over at me and back to the road. "I am relieved, happy to have you back and to know you don't have to go back to that dump. But I just can't believe she lied to me. I think that day she came over crying she was trying to tell me I wasn't the father but she just broke down." "Do you think her 'lover' Brad could have done this to her?" "I don't know.. I clearly didn't know the women I was married to if she was cheating on me for 2 years. I just don't understand why she was so mad when I confessed about us, she was cheating on me as well and didn't have the decency to tell me.." "I know baby, I don't think Danneel understood what she was doing. We will make sure together that she does get justice." I smile as we pull up in the drive way. "Home sweet home." I breathe in the fresh air as Jensen wraps his arm around my waist. 


LONG chapter I know, but it was the court day so instead of dragging it out I thought I'd just give the answers now. So Misha is innocent which is a relief, Jensen wasn't the father of the child, Brad was so did Brad kill Danneel? Vicki came through for Misha. There will be more on that in the next update, Danneel's killer will be revealed next chapter. :) xo

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