Chapter 28

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*Jensen's POV*

I wait nervously at the table as the prisoners walk in one by one, they were pretty mean looking. Misha didn't belong here. I stood up smiling watching as Misha walked in and made his way towards me. He looked good in prison uniform. I just wanted to hold him, kiss him tell him it will be okay, that I'm sorry but were in such a rough patch that I don't think that any of them a good idea. "Hi.." I whisper taking a seat as he crosses his arms over. "I know you're mad at me.." "Mad? Mad doesn't cover it, furious now that I am." "You have every right to be.. You will never know how sorry I am. I should have been here every day, you should have known I was here for you.." "You weren't though. You didn't accept my calls, invites to meet me or my letters." "I did read your letters.." "Not possible, they were returned unopened and had return to sender on them." "Misha I did open them, I did read them. I just didn't know what to say.." "You could have said 'I love you.' or 'I am here for you.' Maybe even. 'I believe you didn't do this.' Nothing though. I was alone, afraid the one person I wanted every day to talk to and to believe me when I say I didn't do this was you but you never came.." "I do believe you didn't do this. I knew all along it was just with Danneel's death I didn't know what to believe, I knew you were angry with us about mishearing our conversation but I shouldn't have for one second believed you were capable. I wasn't thinking straight, I did and said things I didn't mean.. I do love you Misha, with everything I have.. I did also love Danneel and I was going to be a dad and whoever did this took that away from me, I was just so hurt I closed up and took it out on the one person I loved, you.." "Jensen you slept with someone else in OUR house." "How do you know that?" "It was on the news." "Like I said I wasn't thinking straight, It meant nothing." "I gave you everything Jensen and when I am released because I am innocent I don't know if we can ever get through this." "I promise Misha I will be here every step of the way even if you don't want me to be, I love you and I won't just throw away what we have, I was stupid once by doing that I won't. I will fight for what we have. I will do whatever it takes to get you back, starting with getting you the hell out of here. I will prove to you that I am sorry and that I do love you." I stand up and smile at Misha who gives me a smile in return, I walk out of the room and head to Angela's office in the city.

*Misha's POV*

I watched as Jensen walked out of the room without even allowing me to say a word. He took control, it was like he hadn't even left me he was still the same Jensen I fell in love with. I was relieved to know he was there for me, better late then never but he still means the world to me. It won't be easy trying to be 'normal' together again, it's been hell without him by my side and I know that if he had been by my side from the beginning I may have pushed him away or we may be closer and stronger then ever. I understand the pain his gone through, I love him that much that I don't want to walk away but he has a lot of making up to do especially for West.. He hurt my baby and I still can't believe he had, Jensen was always a kind, loving guy who just like me wouldn't hurt anyone. Whoever did this to Danneel not only took her life away but they took away a baby's life, they ripped "father" from underneath Jensen and they ruined my life. I walk through the prison halls heading towards my cell when another inmate bumps me. "Did the faggots honey bunny finally come see him? All those nights of praying and crying you finally got your prays answered?" I heard them laughing as I continued to walk when someone grabs my shoulder pulling me towards them, I feel a sharp pain go through my body repeatedly as they threw me to the floor. I place my hand over my stomach and lean forward lifting my shaking hand I can see blood, a lot of blood, my blood. "Help.." I scream as I see guards running towards me which was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.

*Jensen's POV*

"I am here to see Angela." "Do you have an appointment?" "No. She will see me Jensen Ackles." "Okay one moment sir." I wait in the waiting room when Angela rushes out of breath. "You heard? I am so sorry Jensen." "Heard what? His innocent! I know it! They can't send him to jail!" I say trying to plead with her. "No Jensen, Misha was just stabbed in the halls. His on his way to hospital." I run out of the building and get into my car driving to the hospital, everything going through my mind. I can't lose him, I need him to know I am sorry for everything, I need us to be happy again. This person can not take away Misha as well. I will never forgive myself if Misha dies. I arrive at the hospital and run inside to the reception desk. "Misha Collins, he was stabbed in prison!" She leads me to a room where a doctor meets me. "I have been informed by Misha's doctor to let you know that he is in surgery at the moment, he has lost a lot of blood but he should be okay." "Should? That isn't an answer Doc, is he going to die?" I say angrily. "If the surgery doesn't have any complications he will be okay." I sit down biting on my knuckle as memories with Misha flash through my mind.

(This is Jensen's flash backs. The beginning is a female doctor telling him about Misha being in surgery. The end 2 clips, the first is when Jensen is angry at Misha after finding out about Danneel and the last is Misha and Jensen at the prison earlier that day before he was stabbed. Hope it works.)

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