Chapter 23

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*Misha's POV*

I open my eyes quickly as I hear someone banging on our door. "Who the hell would that be?" Jensen moans into his pillow. "I will go check babe." I look at our clock and see it's 3 am Jensen and I have to be up in another 3 hours for our first day back on set after our break. I walk down the stairs wrapping my robe around me and tying it. The bash on the door again. "Coming." I unlock the door and open it to see a police officer standing in front of me. "Mr Collins?" I nod my head. "We are sorry to wake you at such an inconvenient time but we need you to come down to the station." I raise my eyebrows. "Can I ask why? It's 3 in the morning, I have a long day ahead of me, my son's upstairs asleep-" Before I could finish the officer cut me off. "Either come willingly or we will have to detain you." "Arrest me?" I gasp. "Jensen!" I yell his name as the officer places my hands behind my back forcefully. "Jensen!" I yell again in pain. I see him running down the stairs with a baseball bat. He throws it to the floor and rushes over to me. "Hey! What's going on? Where are you taking him?" Jensen starts pulling me away. "Sir either calm down or we will have to arrest you as well." "Jensen don't baby, West needs someone. I will call you.. I love you." I watched as Jensen lets go of me the fear in his eyes it felt like I was looking in a mirror because I to am afraid. "I'm sure it's all a mistake." I yell over my shoulder as I get pushed into the back of the car. I look out the window to Jensen who stands in our drive way trying to hold himself together. "Can I know why I am being asked for questioning?" I ask but get no response.

*Jensen's POV*

"Jensen where are you and Misha? I know you two are still in honey moon stage with your relationship out in the open but we have a show to film." Jared yells through the phone annoyed. "Misha was arrested this morning." I sigh sitting down on the couch feeling helpless. "What? Why? What the hell happened? Surely it's a mistake what ever it is?" "I don't know what's happened Jared.. They just took him away. I have been trying to get through to talk to him but the officers who answer keep telling me he can't take any calls. I am really worried man." "Get a lawyer and meet me down at the station." He says as I hear a car door close through the phone. "Okay.." I place my phone in my pocket and grab my keys. "West, lets get you to school." "But where is daddy? He still isn't home!" "He did come home last night but he left this morning for some work things." "Why aren't you with him?" "He needed to be there earlier for make up and I didn't so I offered to take you. Let's go alright?" He nods his head as I lock up the house and drive West to school. "I will pick you up after school okay buddy?" "Bye!" He waves running inside. I pull out and make my way to the station calling a friend of mine who happens to be a lawyer. "Angela, hey it's Jensen." I sniffle. "Hey how are you? I hear you are dating the Misha Collins. You lucky bastard." She loves Misha, she has a bit of a crush on him. "It's Misha I am actually calling about.." "You have my blessing." She cuts me off. "What?" I get confused. "My blessing to marry him." "NO Angela, he was arrested last night and I need your help." "Wait what!? Why?" "I don't know they wouldn't say." "I will meet you at the station in an hour. Don't do anything stupid. We don't need you both in jail." "Well if it's the only way I can see him then I can't promise anything.."

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