Chapter 19

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*Misha's POV*

Today's the day we come out.. I'm a bundle of emotions. Excited, scared, nervous you name the feeling, I'm feeling it. I let out a heavy sigh and take a drink of my water. "Did you go for a run this morning?" Jensen says yawning, I nod my head. "Yeah, just so had to get the energy and emotions out of me." "You feel better?" He says wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his head near my neck. "Yeah I do.. I can only imagine how I will feel after today. I'm relieved we don't have to keep us a secret and can make out in public but scared at our fans reactions.." He pulls me around to face him and kisses me. "Who cares what they think? If they can't support us being together they aren't our real fans. It's you and me against the world." I smile and kiss his lips softly. "Well lets do this!" I say excitedly. "Um no first you have to shower." He steps away from me smiling. I raise my arm and sniff my underarm. "Wow, that.. Yep I'm going to shower." I smile and run upstairs to shower.

*Jensen's POV*

Misha and I have been going so well lately. I am actually scared that with coming out and getting hate our relationship could go on a bend. I smile as he steps into the lounge room smiling. "You ready." I nod my head and sit down next to him. Well should we live video on Facebook? I nod my head and kiss his shoulder. I take in a deep breathe. I watch as he clicks "Go live." On his page. I could feel my heart beat faster. Okay Jensen you can do this, think of all the kissing, holding hands in public you can do without having to think about paparazzi. I smile at the camera as Misha and I pop up on the screen. "Hey guys, and girls. It's Misha and Jensen here which you already know that of course." Misha starts us off, his nervous also.. I only know this because when he gets nervous he talks a lot. "So we hope you have had a wonderful day or night where ever you may be. I hope you smiled at least once today.." "Misha and I have some big news." I look over at Misha and smile. I could see how nervous he was, I just wanted to kiss him to make him feel better. "Wow.. 5K people are watching us right now Misha.." I whisper to him biting my lip. "Should we say it on 3?" I nod my head. "We're together." I say as Misha smiles widely at the camera. "You said we'd say it together on 3!" I pout my lip as he kisses it softly. "Misha we're on camera!" I squel. "Opps.. Sorry guys. So yes Jensen and I have been together for a while now. Our 3 month anniversary is just around the corner.. I know you'd have a lot of questions. Like what about our wives? Well they know.. What about West? His still apart of my life. His at Jared's right now." "I know we will have a lot of haters for being gay, for leaving our wives but we will have a lot of love from our family, friends and fans and thanks to them there support out ways the negative. We are happy together. We hope you guys can be happy for us." I blow a kiss to the camera as Misha disconnects us. I let out a heavy breathe I didn't know I was holding in. "We did it.." I say looking in Misha's blue eyes. "WE DID IT!" I scream and kiss his lips softly. I'm really scared to check twitter and facebook about us but together we can get through anything..

*Misha's POV*

I click on twitter and tweet thank you's to those who are supporting us and try my hardest to ignore those who are spreading hate. "You poofs." "Hahaha gay." "Fags." "Wtf we look up to you guys and you leave your wives?" I turn my phone on silent and smile at Jensen whose fallen asleep on my lap. I'm the luckiest man alive even if it cost a lot of peoples feelings for me to get where I am.

Sorry it's short and eh..

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